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Media Mentions

  • Thanks, Justice Scalia, for the Cost-Benefit State

    July 10, 2015

    An op-ed by Cass Sunstein. Last week's Supreme Court decision striking down a federal regulation on mercury and other pollutants from coal-fired power plants is a temporary setback for those who seek to reduce air pollution. At the same time, however, it should be welcomed as a ringing endorsement of cost-benefit analysis by government agencies. It's a kind of rifle shot, with potentially major effects on a host of future regulations that have nothing to do with the environment.

  • Stock Slide Ruins China’s Illusion of Control

    July 10, 2015

    An op-ed by Noah Feldman. Will Xi Jinping, who has consolidated power more than any Chinese leader since the 1980s, pay a political price for the big decline in the Chinese stock market over the last week? In the very short term, market losses are likely to harm rich and powerful Chinese who might otherwise be pushing back against his increased authority, so it might conceivably help him. But in the medium to long term, this correction is going to be costly for Xi -- because it’s going to help ordinary Chinese learn the painful lesson that no government, however centralized and powerful, can guarantee the stability of assets when the markets think they are overvalued.

  • Obama’s New Iraq Strategy: Don’t Lose

    July 10, 2015

    An op-ed by Noah Feldman. If you’ve been following the crisis in Greece, you may not have noticed, but President Barack Obama held a news conference Monday at the Pentagon that will be significant for his legacy. What was important was not so much what he said as what he didn’t say: that there’s any chance of defeating Islamic State in the foreseeable future. Instead, the president emphasized that the fight against the Sunni Muslim insurgent group will be “long” and that experience has shown that it can be “degraded” only with effective local ground forces.

  • Why Nonprofits Get Away With Campaigning

    July 10, 2015

    An op-ed by Noah Feldman. Nonprofit groups are supposed to exist to promote the public welfare, not to run political campaigns. IRS rules say that tax-exempt 501(c)(4) organizations, which are allowed to campaign consistent with their welfare-promoting missions, can’t have politicking as their primary activity. But because those rules aren’t being enforced, presidential campaigns now feature such nonprofits. Why is this happening? And what -- if anything -- can be done to stop it?

  • Puerto Rico’s Precarious Position Isn’t So Unusual

    July 10, 2015

    An op-ed by Noah Feldman. No U.S. state has defaulted on its bonds since the Great Depression -- yet Puerto Rico, a commonwealth that operates much like a state without being one, is on the brink. Is there any connection between Puerto Rico’s unique constitutional status and it economic woes? If not, what does that say about the prospect for future default by any of the actual 50 states of the union?

  • Puerto Rico’s ‘Colonial’ Power Struggle

    July 10, 2015

    An op-ed by Noah Feldman. On the surface, there was nothing shocking about Monday's decision by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 1st Circuit to strike down a Puerto Rico law that would’ve let the commonwealth’s municipalities and utilities declare bankruptcy. A federal district court had already held in February that Puerto Rico’s proposed Recovery Act was pre-empted by the federal bankruptcy code. But from a long-term perspective, the court’s decision was fairly extraordinary. Over an outraged concurrence by Judge Juan Torruella -- the only Puerto Rican on the federal appeals court that's responsible for cases from the island -- the court held that Puerto Rico is uniquely legally disabled from managing its financial problems.

  • Should Google Always Tell the Truth?

    July 9, 2015

    What is Google’s responsibility to its searchers? In a Thursday panel at the Aspen Ideas Festival, Jonathan Zittrain, a professor of Internet law at Harvard law school, offered a hypothetical that captured why that question is so difficult to answer...Zittrain’s hypothetical raised larger questions about what it means to act in a searcher’s best interests. “Suppose Google is a fiduciary to us, they and Bing decide that they're going to look out for us. And I happen to believe that vaccines are probably bad,” he began. “And I Google ‘should I vaccinate my child?’” “If Google is ‘looking out for me,’” he continued, “should they interpret that in the best way as, you've got to shake this person by the lapels, the way that I presume a doctor would?”

  • Q&A: Eric Holder Jr. Returns to Private Practice

    July 7, 2015

    Eric Holder Jr. has returned home to Covington & Burling after more than six years as U.S. attorney general, and he said it is the “last stop” in his legal career. He even ruled out a U.S. Supreme Court appointment, if he is asked...."There's no question that there needs to be more pro bono across the board. I started at the Justice Department this office called the Access to Justice Initiative, which we started out with [Harvard Law School professor] Larry Tribe. That was in recognition of the fact that too many people in this country make consequential legal decisions without the assistance of counsel. It's a shocking thing to see. You have juveniles who plead guilty without ever talking to a lawyer. You have child-custody disputes that are resolved oftentimes in front of a judge but without a lawyer."

  • For Summer Law Interns, the Livin’ Is Easy

    July 7, 2015

    Ah, to be a law-firm summer associate. For several thousand lucky law students, it’s the season to be courted by the nation’s top firms...Mark Weber, Harvard Law School’s assistant dean for career services, said the “wining and dining” element of summer associate programs is important to give the law students a sense of a firm’s personality. “If it’s just all about work and you really don’t know these people…that’s not good, either,” Mr. Weber said.

  • Cruz once clerked for a chief justice, but he’s no longer a friend of the court

    July 7, 2015

    Sen. Ted Cruz spent his years at Harvard Law School working to secure a Supreme Court clerkship and then made his name as a lawyer by arguing in front of the body nine times. But now, as a presidential candidate seeking support from the right wing of his party, Cruz (R-Tex.) has made excoriating the high court a central part of his campaign...Charles Fried, a Harvard Law professor who was solicitor general under Ronald Reagan and wrote one of Cruz’s recommendations for his Supreme Court clerkship, said Cruz’s call for a constitutional amendment and his harsh criticism of the court pale in comparison to dissents by Justice Antonin Scalia, who called the marriage decision “a threat to American democracy.” “Just compare what he says to what Scalia says in his dissents and tell me which you think is more vituperative,” Fried said of Cruz. “This isn’t vituperative. It is an opinion. It is a judgment, a legal judgment. It isn’t correct — I mean I don’t agree with it — but it’s not out of line.” Fried said he is more wary of Cruz’s assertions that only the parties to a judicial case must follow its rulings. “The suggestion that town clerks and justices of the peace and so on don’t have to follow this law — that’s a more dangerous proposition,” Fried said.

  • Citizen’s Flag Alliance: A Flag Burns in Brooklyn

    July 6, 2015

    American Legion National Commander Michael D. Helm and Citizen's Flag Alliance (CFA) Chairman Richard Parker have news for members of Congress who resist support of a U.S. flag protection amendment on the grounds that no one burns flags anymore. Wednesday evening in Brooklyn, NY, an anarchist group that wants to strip the New York police Department of its authority and weapons, burned a U.S. flag and a confederate flag that the protestor described as symbols of oppression...“The physical desecration of the American flag in Brooklyn today was an act of cultural terrorism,” said Richard Parker, a Harvard law professor and chairman of the CFA, a coalition of more than 140 organizations that wants Congress to pass a constitutional amendment to prohibit U.S. flag desecration. “It was an attempt to equate the American flag with the confederate battle flag – to redefine it as, according to their words, ‘a symbol of oppression and genocide.’

  •  Is There a Human Right to Kill?

    July 6, 2015

    On a cool spring day in May 2012, the members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) met in McCormick Place, Chicago. The 28 heads of state comprising the military alliance had come to the Windy City to discuss the withdrawal of NATO forces from Afghanistan, among other strategic matters...Not long before the Chicago summit, President Barack Obama had publicly declared that the United States would begin pulling out its troops from Afghanistan and that a complete withdrawal would be achieved by 2014. NATO was therefore set to decide on the details of a potential exit strategy. A few days before the summit, placards appeared in bus stops around downtown Chicago urging NATO not to withdraw its forces from Afghanistan. “NATO: Keep the progress going!” read the posters...Harvard law professor David Kennedy describes the human-rights training programs run by the US military in recent decades as courses in which the message is clear: “This is not some humanitarian add-on—a way of being nice or reducing military muscle,” he says. “We asserted, with some justification, that it is simply not possible to use the sophisticated weapons one purchases or to coordinate with the international military operations in which they would be used without an internal military culture with parallel rules of operation and engagement.”

  • Hepatitis C reports 
only ‘tip of iceberg’

    July 6, 2015

    The spread of hepatitis C could be grossly underreported, with fewer than 1 percent of cases reported to federal public health officials, while tens of thousands could be undetected, according to researchers from Massachusetts General Hospital who say the growing opioid crisis is 
fueling the problem....Another study out this week, co-authored by Robert Greenwald, director of Harvard Law School’s Center for Health Law and Policy, focused on the difficulty addicts have obtaining Medicaid coverage for costly medications. A highly effective drug, Sovaldi by Gilead, costs about $84,000 for a 12-week course. “We are seeing a decrease in cost of treatments, and haven’t seen a commensurate lessening of coverage restrictions,” Greenwald said. Under some programs within MassHealth, patients must be sober for at least six months — which cuts many addicts out of treatment.

  • Billing man to send him a bill shows need for class-action suits

    July 6, 2015

    When it comes to healthcare costs, there's what you may owe the hospital, what you may owe your doctor and what you may owe the drugstore. Most patients would probably agree that paying an additional fee solely to receive your bill is a bit much..."Businesses hate class actions because, otherwise, they could continue getting away with mischarging for small amounts," said William Rubenstein, a Harvard University law professor. "No one would ever sue them."

  • Europe and Greece on the Brink

    July 6, 2015

    An op-ed by Mark Roe. A deal between Greece and its creditors might not happen. Several factors are in flux; Greek and northern European interests are not aligned; and personal animosities are in play. For Greece, an exit from the euro would not be easy, but if the alternative is endless austerity without debt forgiveness, its government may conclude that leaving the eurozone is the better choice.

  • How Jeb Bush’s firm made him rich — and created a nest egg for his family

    July 6, 2015

    Shortly after Jeb Bush left the Florida governor’s office in 2007, he established his own firm, Jeb Bush & Associates, designed to maximize his earning potential as one of the country’s more prominent politicians. Tax returns disclosed this week by the Republican’s presidential campaign revealed that the business not only made him rich but also provided a steady income for his wife and one of his sons...Daniel Halperin, a professor at Harvard Law School who specializes in pensions, said federal law allows companies to take a tax write-off for large pension contributions in an effort to encourage them to offer solid retirement plans to their employees. He said those rules make less sense in the case of Jeb Bush & Associates, which offers the plan to only two people. “It is generous,” Halperin said. But, he added, “the law allows them to be generous.”

  • Religious nonprofits not losing faith after latest failed Obamacare birth control mandate appeal

    July 6, 2015

    Religious nonprofits hoping to force yet another Obamacare showdown before the Supreme Court haven’t chalked up the appellate win they need to put the issue on a glide path to the justices, but they aren’t losing faith, saying it’s only a matter of time before their legal campaign pays off...Holly Lynch, a bioethics expert at Harvard Law School who has tracked the debate, said circuit courts don’t necessarily take their cues from each other. “That’s how we get splits,” she said. “However, it is plausible to think that a judge is more likely to be swayed by an argument she or he knows that other judges have found legally persuasive — even more so if they know that lots of other judges have found the same way.”

  • Chamber forms coalition to fend off activist hedge funds

    July 6, 2015

    Corporations are turning to the nation’s biggest business lobby to help fend off activist investors such as Dan Loeb and Bill Ackman. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is forming a coalition to make sure “long-term value creation” drives public companies’ decisions, according to a letter it sent last week to Securities and Exchange Commission Chair Mary Jo White. The group plans to weigh in on regulations that affect corporate governance, the letter said...If the chamber’s coalition wants to “facilitate long-term value creation, they should support reforms that strengthen shareholder rights and oppose arrangements that insulate managements from shareholders,” said Lucian Bebchuk, a professor at Harvard Law School.

  • An Unassuming Web Proposal Would Make Harassment Easier

    July 6, 2015

    An op-ed by Sarah Jeong and Kendra Albert `16. The privacy of countless website owners is at risk, thanks to a proposal in front of the byzantine international organization at the heart of the Internet: ICANN. If adopted, the new proposal could limit access to proxy and privacy services, which protect domain registrants from having their home addresses exposed to everyone on the Internet.

  • Bruce Schneier: David Cameron’s proposed encryption ban would ‘destroy the internet’

    July 6, 2015

    ...Business Insider reached out to Bruce Schneier to discuss the feasibility of Cameron' proposed ban on "safe spaces" online. Schneier is a widely respected crypography and security expert and fellow at the Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard Law School, serves on the board of digital liberties pressure group the Electronic Frontier Foundation, and writes frequently on encryption and security. He didn't hold back..."My immediate reaction was disbelief, followed by confusion and despair. When I first read about Cameron's remarks, I was convinced he had no idea what he was really proposing. The idea is so preposterous that it was hard to imagine it being seriously suggested."

  • Greece Is Doing Democracy Wrong

    July 6, 2015

    An op-ed by Noah Feldman. The Greeks invented democracy. So it might seem natural and appropriate that they’re having a referendum Sunday to decide whether to take a bailout deal previously offered by the European Union that would require austerity measures. But in fact, under conditions of crisis, a referendum is a truly terrible idea. There are times when going around elected representatives is democratically valuable -- but in the middle of a life-or-death negotiation isn’t one of them. It’s a fantasy to think that some magical “popular will” can emerge from the vote by a divided Greek public.