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Hussain Awan ’25
International IDEA, Tunisia
Conducted comparative analysis – drawing on post-conflict case studies in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Libya – to develop a report providing model approaches for local governance in Yemen.

Martha Ball ’25
Asylum Protection Center, Serbia
Drafted country-of-origin reports based on case research, accounts of asylum seeker experiences, and trauma-sensitive interviews of individual asylum seekers.

Roshni Chakraborty ’25
TRIAL International, Bosnia & Herzegovina
Performed legal research on issues of international criminal law relating to the Bosnian War of 1992-1995, culminating in a legal analysis of the difficulties of establishing state responsibility for war crimes.

Sagnik Das S.J.D. Candidate
International Criminal Court, The Netherlands
Worked on the factual and legal aspects of a judgement related to the Al Hassan case, which involves a 2012-2013 conflict in Mali in which a non-state armed group took control of Timbuktu establishing independent laws and legal regimes.

Izza Drury ’24
Fenix Humanitarian Legal Aid, Greece / Global Legal Action Network, Ireland
Drafted a substantive complaint for submission to the Committee against Torture highlighting the systematic failure of the Greek state to satisfy its obligations under the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment.

Giovanna Garcia ’25
Fenix Humanitarian Legal Aid, Greece
Drafted a report on human trafficking in Greece and Turkey, and a submission to the UN Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights of Migrants regarding the lack of procedural guarantees for asylum seekers in Greece.

Luke Haubenstock ’25
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, United Kingdom
Conducted international comparative research on climate-related financial risk disclosures, and on how emerging economies might enhance insolvency regulation via artificial intelligence and other digital technologies.

Jacqulyn Kantack ’24
United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs, Switzerland
Conducted research on emerging issues and provided actionable guidance in support of member states to the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons.

Sukhmani Kaur ’25
Reprieve, United Kingdom
Wrote legal memos, developed legal strategies, and prepared case documents to advance anti-death penalty efforts in South Asia.

Brandon Martinez ’25
Centro de los Derechos del Migrante, Mexico
Provided legal services and engaged in advocacy efforts on behalf of migrant workers by fielding client intake calls, drafting materials to a U.S. House of Representatives committee on reforming the H-2A visa system, and delivering educational outreach presentations in the field.

Jacquelene Mwangi S.J.D. Candidate
South Center, Switzerland
Represented the organization at multilateral meetings and national capacity building workshops on issues related to intellectual property, public health, and global digital governance; and co-authored a policy brief on the Global Digital Compact for developing countries.

Roop Patel ’25
Reprieve, United Kingdom
Conducted research, produced advocacy materials, and drafted memos on death-penalty resentencing issues in Africa.   

Elizabeth Poulos ’25
Asylum Protection Center, Serbia
Supported refugee reception and migrant justice efforts through direct client services, country-of-origin research, and policy analysis on topics such as the evolving presence of Frontex (the EU’s cross-member state border police) in non-member countries like Serbia.

Olivia Reichwald ’25
Refugee Law Clinic Hamburg, Germany
Conducted research on changes to the Common European Asylum System, as well as on the legal fiction of non-entry as it functions in both the European Union and the United States.

Laura Saliy ’25
World Food Programme, Italy
Drafted a contract governing food assistance programs in Ukraine, and conducted comparative legal research to determine how a UN-specific legal procedure might be implemented by the WFP.

Lisa Shakhnazaryan ’25
International Energy Agency, France
Researched approaches to expanding IEA membership to non-OECD countries, and whether revisions to the IEA treaty might conflict with member-states’ domestic legislation.

Jake Soria ’24
Inter-American Court of Human Rights, Costa Rica
Conducted research on emerging legal issues facing the Court, such as state responsibilities for violations of human rights by corporate actors, or due to mass violence.

Annie Whitney ’24
Equal Rights Beyond Borders, Greece
Conducted client interviews of detainees held in refugee camps, and provided a range of direct services related to detention challenges, family reunification, and asylum cases.

Sabrina Zhang ’25
International Commission of Jurists, Belgium
Conducted research on the backsliding of judicial independence in select European countries, and drafted a model benchbook to assure accessibility during trials for people with disabilities.