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Claire Beutter
Platform to Protect Whistleblowers in Africa, France
Conducted factual and legal research examining developments in the field of anti-corruption work, and engaged in whistleblower advocacy via client interviews, brief writing, and strategic recommendations.

Nick Caputo
Digital Freedom Fund, Germany
Drafted a memo examining cooperation efforts between lawyers and technologists working on digital rights, and conducted comparative analyses of EU and US approaches to collective redress and privacy issues.

Worthy Cho
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, France
Conducted research on different forms of legal, policy, and regulatory interventions for the circulation of false information online, and wrote a memo for developing a measurement agenda for “untruths” online.

Rabea Eghbariah
Adalah – The Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel
Prepared a request for further hearing of an Israeli Supreme Court decision which upheld the constitutionality of a 2012 law granting the Israeli state absolute immunity against tort claims filed by Gazan residents.

Pearson Goodman
International Energy Agency, France
Researched modern treaty-making practices and drafted a memo for the Governing Board of the International Energy Agency outlining approaches for updating the foundational treaty of the organization.

Kaitlyn Ham
AdvocAid Sierra Leone
Drafted a complaint to the United Nations’ Special Rapporteur outlining Sierra Leone’s record of compliance with international human rights obligations, and conducted interviews on the effect of the abolition of the death penalty in Sierra Leone.

Ariq Hatibie
TRIAL International, Bosnia
Engaged in advocacy efforts and conducted comparative research on issues related to preemptive prosecutorial investigations against the assets of criminal defendants, prosecution of conflict-related sexual violence, and legislative recognition of the rights of children born of wartime rape.

Hannah Sweeney
Kosovo Specialist Prosecutor’s Office, the Netherlands
Prepared a research memo on the jurisprudence of disclosure of prosecutorial witness expenses in international tribunals, as well as several sections of pre-trial and final trial briefs. 

Hannah Sweeney
Kosovo Specialist Prosecutor’s Office, the Netherlands
Prepared a research memo on the jurisprudence of disclosure of prosecutorial witness expenses in international tribunals, as well as several sections of pre-trial and final trial briefs. 

Mohini Tangri
PODER, Mexico
Conducted comparative research and legislative advocacy in support of the Rio Sonora campaign, which seeks to hold a Mexican mining operation accountable for lasting damage from a major chemical spill. 

Alex Trivella
International IDEA, Tunisia
Produced a comparative research paper on the challenges of a Presidential system of government, and conducted research related to real-time negotiations for the Libyan peace process.

Hina Uddin
Reprieve UK, United Kingdom
Wrote a brief arguing for the reduction of sentencing in a death penalty case based on mitigating factors related to a client’s medical condition, as well as a memo advocating against application of the death penalty for blasphemy cases in Pakistan.

Shashank Vura
International Fund for Animal Welfare, United Kingdom
Conducted comparative research on legal mechanisms for the confiscation of big cats, as well as on data privacy protection in the context of wildlife crime investigations.

Daniel Walker
Rwanda Space Agency / Rwanda Development Board
Produced a draft for Rwanda’s first national space policy, and researched investment fund domiciliary issues for foreign investment in Rwanda.