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Anoush Baghdassarian ‘22
Center for Truth and Justice, Armenia
Contributed to casebuilding efforts and testimony collection from released prisoners of war. Drafted reports to the United Nations on Azerbaijan’s treatment of prisoners of war during the Armenian conflict and to the U.S. Congress on its violations of international law.

Kit Lea Cheang ‘23
TRIAL International, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Conducted comparative legal research on the public apology as a means of reparation, on international and regional frameworks for reparations for sexual violence, and on legislation banning the denial and trivialization of war crimes.

Adil Habib ‘23
Digital Freedom Fund, Germany
Researched the digital rights decisions recently rendered by European courts, as well as the implications of these decisions for forthcoming legal strategy. Researched and presented a case study on a European border and coast guard agency for a workshop on strategic litigation for investigative journalists.

Andrew Hong ‘23
Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization, Belgium
Researched and drafted a report to the UN Committee on Economic Social and Cultural rights arguing that land rights are fundamental rights grounded in self-determination, one of the basic rights codified in the United Nations Charter and other human rights treaties.

Reem Hussein ‘23
Reprieve, United Kingdom
Drafted a press briefing on the U.S. drone program in Yemen and Libya, co-authored sections of an advocacy report on its targeting of alleged militants’ families, and wrote a brief for the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture, arguing that the drone program is a form of psychological torture.

Apsara Iyer ‘23
TRANSFORM. The Netherlands
Co-authored content for a new casebook on cultural heritage and law, drafted country reports on applicable cultural heritage laws and significant incidents of looting in 13 countries, and prepared a legal memo on criminal prosecution for stolen antiquities under U.S. law.

Joan Josiah ‘23
Platform to Protect Whistleblowers in Africa, France
Participated in client interviews, undertook fact-checking and other research on new cases and ongoing litigation, and prepared an updated country report on the effectiveness of Ghana’s whistleblower laws.

Jonathan Lu ‘23
Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, China
Reviewed term sheets and agreements to address issues arising in financing transactions, researched questions about points of law and bank policies, and drafted a primer on why multilateral developing banks use offshore financial centers to access developing markets.

Rebecca Murphy ‘23
International IDEA, Tunisia
Conductive comparative research on practices in other countries and drafted options papers for the Sudanese Constitutional Commission on intergovernmental relations and remedies for the protection of economic, social and constitutional rights. Researched and drafted a paper on the challenges to a 2015 peace accord between the government of Mali and the Tuareg people in light of the recent coup in Mali.