Dania Alqarawi ‘26
Minority Rights Group International, United Kingdom
Conducted research and prepared memos to explore possible avenues for litigation regarding discrimination against religious minorities in Asia, and the ability of individuals to submit complaints to various UN human rights committees.
Rachel Anderson ’26
AdvocAid, Sierra Leone
Prepared evidence and coordinated advocacy for a childhood marriage case before the ECOWAS (Economic Community of West African States) Court of Justice.
Mason Barnard ’26
International Commission of Jurists, Belgium
Drafted comments on pending EU legislation on the rights of children, and examined judicial independence protections under EU and domestic law to support potential strategic litigation.
Emmanuel Berrelleza ’26
International Bridges to Justice, Switzerland
Created a comprehensive advisory for use by legal professionals in Mexico and other Latin American countries to better advocate for human rights within their jurisdictions.
Sarah Boxer ‘25
European Court of Human Rights, France
Researched the Court’s case law and wrote papers and memoranda on the intersection of cultural heritage and human rights, forced arbitration and human rights, and climate change and human rights.
Clara Chiu ’26
United Nations International Law Commission, Switzerland
Drafted the plenary intervention delivered by the International Law Commission member from Cyprus on the topic of piracy and armed robbery at sea.
Monica Dey ’26
Climate Whistleblowers, France
Conducted research on consumer protection, defamation law, and U.S. legal frameworks that could be used to protect climate whistleblowers.
Yasna Haghdoost ’26
Global Legal Action Network, Ireland and United Kingdom
Reviewed evidence for a case against the UK government that argued that exporting weapons to Israel violated the UK’s own export licensing criteria as there was a risk that the weapons could be used to commit or facilitate violations of international humanitarian law.
Elena Ivanova ’26
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, United Kingdom
Developed a Ghana country strategy guide, evaluating the commercial laws of Ghana as the Bank expands operations to sub-Saharan Africa, and assisted with drafting documents and negotiating financial covenants and terms for transactions that facilitate the sustainability objectives of the Bank.
Julia Kepczynska ’26
TRIAL International, Bosnia & Herzegovina
Analyzed a decision by the European Court of Human Rights on the acquittal of military officials convicted of crimes during the Holocaust and its relevance to Bosnia and Herzegovina, and a decision by the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia holding senior Serbian State Security officers guilty of war crimes and crimes against humanity.
Sophia Kontos ’26
Conducted research and drafted a report on the potential benefits for the U.S. to accede to the UNIDROIT Convention on Stolen or Illegally Exported Cultural Objects, and prepared a presentation on Montenegrin cultural property laws.
Supriya Mishra ’26
Campaña Colombiana Contra Minas, Colombia
Researched U.S. and Colombian laws and United Nations Security Council resolutions to help develop a compliance manual for landmine surveillance in indigenous territories across Colombia in order to ensure that CCCM, which receives some funding from the U.S. Department of State, adhered to regulations.
Lauren O’Connell ’26
Centro de los Derechos del Migrante, Mexico
Managed hotline intakes for and drafted complaints on behalf of Mexican and Central American migrant workers who experienced unlawful labor violations in their U.S.-based workplaces, and worked with immigration attorneys to support U.S.-based workers seeking deferred action.
Michael Pusic ’26
International IDEA, Tunisia
Synthesized International IDEA’s recommendations to re-start the Libyan peace process to present to the UN mediator on the conflict, and researched potential options for the federal government of Iraq and the regional government of Iraqi Kurdistan to share oil and gas rights and resolve broader issues of federalism.
Meera Shoaib ’26
Platform to Protect Whistleblowers in Africa, France
Worked closely with an investigative journalist on a West African whistleblower case, analyzing scores of documents as evidence of the allegations, and wrote a summary and detailed memo including the actions and instances of illegal activity the whistleblower had alleged.
Ruth Teklu ’26
Media Legal Defence Initiative, United Kingdom
Conducted legal and factual research on issues of freedom of expression and assessed requirements for obtaining standing to file amicus briefs in various domestic law jurisdictions throughout Europe and before the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Court.