Michael Stein
Climate change disasters are a disability rights issue. Here’s why.
September 13, 2022
Yahoo News – Across the globe, wildfires are increasing at an alarming rate, while droughts, heat waves, floods and inclement weather are all occurring more…
Physician, Heal Thy Double Stigma — Doctors with Mental Illness and Structural Barriers to Disclosure List of authors.
March 8, 2021
An article by Omar S. Haque, M.D., Ph.D., Michael A. Stein, J.D., Ph.D., and Amelia Marvit: Throughout the medical school admissions process, training, and licensure activities, students and physicians with histories of mental illness face structural barriers that result in discrimination and discourage disclosure and care seeking. From the Department of Global Health and Social Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Boston (O.S.H), and the Harvard Law School Project on Disability, Cambridge (M.A.S.) — both in Massachusetts; and the University of Southern California, Los Angeles (A.M.).
Celebrating Special Olympics
April 10, 2019
To celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Special Olympics, HLS presented an inspiring conversation with Olympic medalist Michelle Kwan and Special Olympics medalist Melissa Joy Reilly.
Alford receives the Li Buyun Law Prize
March 5, 2019
William P. Alford ’77, the Jerome A. and Joan L. Cohen Professor of East Asian Legal Studies at Harvard Law School, has received the Li Buyun Law Prize from the Shanghai Institute of Finance and Law, a leading Chinese academic society.
HPOD marks the 50th Anniversary of the Special Olympics
September 14, 2018
On Sept. 17, the Harvard Law School Project on Disability (HPOD) will commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Special Olympics with Timothy Shriver, Special Olympics International Board Chairman.
Disability, Human Rights, and Information Technology (video)
April 17, 2018
Visiting Professor of Law and Executive Director of the Harvard Law School Project on Disability Michael Ashley Stein ’88 tackled the global issue of equal access to information in his book “Disability, Human Rights, and Information Technology,” co-edited by Jonathan Lazar, professor of Computer and Information Sciences and Director of the Undergraduate Program in Information Systems at Towson University.
On the Bookshelf: HLS Authors
December 14, 2017
This fall, the Harvard Law School Library hosted a series of book talks by HLS authors, with topics ranging from Justice and Leadership in Early Islamic Courts to a Citizen's Guide to Impeachment. As part of this ongoing series, faculty authors from various disciplines shared their research and discussed their recently published books.
HLS hosts conference on law and development
August 10, 2017
Legal scholars from across the globe gathered at HLS in July for a two-day conference on law and development, the latest iteration of a series of conferences held periodically by a loose consortium of schools including Harvard Law School, the University of Geneva, Renmin University of China, and the University of Sydney, Australia.
On the importance of self-advocacy
March 15, 2017
Disability rights advocates Steve Holmes and Chester Finn spoke to students at Harvard Law School on March 8, in a workshop presented by the Harvard Project on Disability, part of a series of HPOD trainings and advocacy projects supported by a three-year grant from the law firm Jones Day.
Obama National Disability Council Appointee Discusses Self-Advocacy
October 17, 2016
Chester Finn, co-founder of the charity Community Empowerment Programs, talked about overcoming the judgments of others through self-advocacy at Harvard Law School on Friday. Finn currently works with Michael A. Stein, executive director of the Law School's Project on Disability, developing storytelling projects so that people with disabilities can talk about how they make their own choices and where they fit in the world...Stein lauded the work Finn has done as a self-advocate while introducing Finn. “In all those places, Chester has lent his wisdom, his smarts, his savvy to programming and work,” Stein said. Alice Osman [`17], a student at the Law School, said she enjoyed listening to Finn’s personal narrative.
Mixed progress cited in challenging discrimination
April 8, 2016
Stamping out stigma and broader inequality remains a vexing challenge that requires the tools of both researchers and activists, according to panelists at Harvard University. Three experts at a panel on comparative inequality cited mixed progress in the effort to advance fairness and social inclusion, touching on discrimination against the Roma people and the disabled, and the rise of inequality in an era of support for human rights. “It’s a long battle. It’s one that will take many years, but we see progress and we’re quite excited and enthused about it,” Michael Stein, visiting professor at Harvard Law School, said of the global effort to end discrimination against people with disabilities. But Stein, executive director of the Law School’s Project on Disability, said it is still painful to see how much work remains to be done. “The hardest part of my job is going into places where people are suffering … and who are not happy with the glacial movement of change,” he said.
‘Progress on inclusion of differently abled is uneven’
September 11, 2015
Seven years after the United Nations Convention on Rights of People with Disabilities was signed by countries around the world, there is still a long way to go, according to Michael Stein, Executive Director, Harvard Law School, Harvard Law School Project on Disability. “While it would be wonderful if there was a huge change, slow progress is to be expected,” he said, explaining that the treaty was introduced to countries with decades, and even hundreds of years of legal exclusion. “It also came in the wake of millennia of stereotyping the disabled,” he said.
HLS represented at White House event celebrating 25 years of the Americans with Disabilities Act
July 29, 2015
A special reception was held at the White House on July 20 to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act. On hand to introduce President Barack Obama ’91 and Vice President Joe Biden was Harvard Law School graduate Haben Girma ’13, who is currently a Skadden Fellow at Disability Rights Advocates in Berkeley, Calif. Girma was the first deafblind student to graduate from HLS.
Michael Stein receives award from ABA Commission on Disability Rights
September 23, 2014
Michael A. Stein '88, co-founder and executive director of the Harvard Law School Project on Disability, received the American Bar Association’s Paul G. Hearne Award for Disability Rights in August.
Stein receives inaugural Ruderman Family Foundation award
January 27, 2014
Harvard Law School Visiting Professor Michael Stein '88, an internationally recognized expert on disability rights, received the inaugural Morton E. Ruderman Award in Inclusion from the Ruderman Family Foundation. The award recognizes an individual who has made an extraordinary contribution to the inclusion of people with disabilities in the Jewish world and the greater public.
HLS Focus on Asia: Faculty and clinical highlights
January 1, 2014
Some recent faculty and clinical highlights—from research on anti-corruption efforts to conferences on financial regulation.
From 2013 World Winter Games to Global Development Summit, Alford plays major role in Special Olympics International
April 8, 2013
As an enthusiastic supporter of the Special Olympics who has worked for more than two decades with Special Olympics International, Harvard Law School Professor William P. Alford welcomed the opportunity to help bring about the 2013 Special Olympics World Winter Games, held in PyeongChang, Korea earlier this year. “One of the major messages of the Special Olympics is that having a disability need not be seen as being as limiting or disqualifying as some people might assume,” says Alford, director of East Asian Legal Studies and chair of the Harvard Law School Project on Disability (HPOD).
Harvard Law School Visiting Professor Michael Ashley Stein ’88 was awarded the 2013 Viscardi Award, which honors people living with disabilities for their work and influence in the global disability community.