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Alvin Warren

  • Daniel Halperin

    Legacies of Selfless Scholarship

    May 4, 2015

    In July, HLS Professor Daniel Halperin, will retire after after more than a half-century as a tax lawyer, professor and government official as will Duncan Kennedy who in 30 of his years on the faculty has taught one-fourth of every HLS entering class contracts, property or torts.

  • Professor Alvin Warren

    Professor Alvin Warren gives Senate testimony on tax treatment of business entities

    August 3, 2012

    On Wednesday, Aug. 1, Alvin C. Warren, Ropes & Gray Professor of Law at Harvard Law School, testified before the U.S. Senate Committee on Finance at a hearing entitled, “Tax Reform: Examining the Taxation of Business Entities,” which examined the impact of tax reform on American businesses and corporations.