Showing 24 events for the week starting 03/11/2025
March 11
Tuesday • 24 events
POM’s HIO office hours at HLS, Spring 2025
12:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Peter O’Meara, HIO Advisor for HLS, holds in-person office hours for HLS students and scholars on a first-come, first-served basis in WCC 5046 every Tuesday from 12:00 noon to 2:00 p.m. during the Spring 2025 term. No appointment necessary. -
Tzedek General Body Meeting
12:15 pm - 1:15 pm
HLS Tzedek is a community of progressive, pro-Palestinian Jewish law students. Join us for kosher lunch to learn more about our history, mission, and plans for spring semester. You can also pick up a Shabbat Care Package!… -
“Between Two Masters” Bell Collective Reading Club
12:15 pm - 1:15 pm
Bell Collective for Critical Race Theory’s Reading Club is meeting to discuss Derrick Bell’s seminal legal scholarship, “Between Two Masters : Integration Ideals and Client Interests in School Desegregation Litigation.” It’s casual, we’ll send you the reading, and we’ll feed you. Come hang out!… -
Transitioning from Big Law to Plaintiffs’ Law
12:15 pm - 1:15 pm
Join attorneys from Cohen Milstein, Hausfeld, and Morgan & Morgan for insights about what it’s like to transition from big law to plaintiff-side work. Felipe’s will be served for lunch. Please RSVP here so that we can order enough food!… -
Ronen Avraham “Bridging Divides: A Grassroots Path to Constitutional Reform in Israel” Moderator: Nitsan Plitman
12:15 pm - 1:15 pm
Lunch will be provided… -
Protest and the Academy: Assembly Rights and Freedom of Association on University Campuses
12:15 pm - 1:15 pm
Join the International Human Rights Clinic for a discussion with the United Nations’ Special Rapporteur on freedom of peaceful assembly and of association, Gina Romero. Universities around the world, including Harvard, continue to grapple with the role of, and response to, campus protest actions. In conversation with Clinical Professor Susan… -
Paul, Weiss and National Security Law in the Private Sector
12:20 pm - 1:20 pm
Join the Harvard National Security & Law Association in conversation with David Kessler, Partner at Paul, Weiss. Mr. Kessler worked as a federal prosecutor at EDNY handling significant national security work, and now plays a large role in Paul, Weiss’s national security and cybersecurity work. Come hear Mr. Kessler’s perspective… -
Still Ultra-Processing: A Policy Discussion on Ultra-Processed Foods
12:20 pm - 1:15 pm
[Part 1 of a 3-part Food Law and Policy Clinic Speaker Series] What’s the difference between a processed and “ultra-processed” food? Are ultra-processed foods really that bad for us? Plus, what is the role of policy to help us stay informed and healthy amid the ultra-processed foods all around us? … -
HLEP x HLTS: Intellectual Property in the 21st Century
12:30 pm - 1:15 pm
Whose interests does IP serve? What alternatives exist? Join HLEP, HLTS, and Dr. Jorge Cortell to explore the role IP plays in shaping society and examine whether the regime supports or undermines the public interest. -
Legal Services Center Open House on Campus!
12:30 pm - 1:30 pm
We invite you to attend the Legal Services Center’s (LSC) open house on campus! We hope this provides a meaningful opportunity for you to connect with current and former LSC students, meet the clinical instructors, and learn more about what… -
HALB x Wachtell: Highlights of a Recent Deal
12:30 pm - 1:15 pm
Join Wachtell for an in-depth discussion on one of their latest deals, featuring insights from the attorneys who worked on it firsthand. Steve Green will be presenting on two deals that the firm has done recently (the Diamondback Energy/Endeavor deal and the Inari Medical/Stryker deal). RSVP… -
Mohsen Kadivar, The Genealogy of the Death Penalty for Apostasy and Blasphemy in Islam
12:30 pm - 1:30 pm
Description On Tuesday, March 11, 2025, at 12:30-1:30PM US EST via Zoom, Professor Mohsen Kadivar (Duke University) will present “The Genealogy of the Death Penalty for Apostasy and Blasphemy in Islam.” This talk examines a few ḥadith that are attributed to the Prophet that support a penalty for apostasy, especially… -
Williams & Connolly: Understanding Law Firm Economics
12:30 pm - 1:15 pm
Please join WLA for a lunch presentation and Q&A with Williams & Connolly on March 11! Discussion topics will include navigating the law firm space, career advancement from associate to partner, and insights gleaned from practice. This lunch presentation is open to all, with lunch provided! Please RSVP at the… -
Massachusetts Bar Exam & Application Process
12:30 pm - 1:15 pm
An information session on the Massachusetts Bar exam and application process… -
Traphagen Distinguished Alumni Speaker Series with Paul Choi J.D. ’89 of Sidley Austin LLP
12:30 pm - 1:30 pm
Paul Choi is the global co-leader of Sidley Austin LLP’s Mergers and Acquisitions practice, co-leader of the firm’s Public Company Advisory group, and a member of the firm’s Executive Committee. He advises clients on mergers and acquisitions, corporate finance transactions and securities and corporate governance matters. Click to register. -
Deprogramming Administrative Law
12:30 pm - 1:15 pm
Join the Law & Political Economy Students Association for the latest event in our “Deprogramming” series: Deprogramming Administrative Law with Professor Sharon Block. Lunch will be provided!… -
International Legal Studies Coffee Hour
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Please join International Legal Studies staff and your classmates for a coffee, tea and snack break and informal networking among students interested in international opportunities at HLS. -
Plaintiffs’ Law Office Hours
3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Join attorneys from Cohen Milstein and Morgan & Morgan for drop-in “office hours” to ask any questions you have about entering into and practicing plaintiffs’-side law! Coffee and donuts will be provided!… -
How Climate Change Redefined Power and Justice in Afghanistan
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Join the International Committee of the HLS Student Government for a dinner talk with Farida Razaqi, a lawyer from Afghanistan, on how climate change contributed to the fall of the Afghan government, strengthened the Taliban, and worsened the humanitarian crisis, especially as after the Taliban takeover. Afghan food will be…