Oren Tamir
Graduate Fellow & S.J.D. 2022
otamir at sjd.law.harvard.edu
“Public Law: Formal and Informal”
Fields of Research and Supervisors
- Constitutional and administrative law with Professor Mark Tushnet, Harvard Law School, Principal Faculty Supervisor
- Comparative constitutional law and politics with Professor Vicki Jackson, Harvard Law School
- Structural constitutional law and government lawyering with Professor Jack L. Goldsmith, Harvard Law School
Additional Research Interests
- Administrative Law
- Constitutional Law
- Comparative Law
- International Law
- Torts
- Professional Responsibility (with emphasis on Government Lawyering)
- Harvard Law School, S.J.D. Candidate, 2015-2022
- Harvard Law School, LL.M. Program, 2014-2015 (requirements fulfilled, degree waived)
- The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, LL.B., 2011 (magna cum laude)
Publications and Working Papers
- Political Stare Decisis, 22 CHICAGO JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW (forthcoming, 2021)
- Constitutional Norm Entrepreneuring, 80 MARYLAND LAW REVIEW (forthcoming, 2021)
- Administrativizing Constitutional Law (working paper)
- Governing by Chief Executives (working paper)
- Administrative Law’s Lost Paradigm (working paper)
- Abusive “Abusive Constitutionalism” (working paper)
Academic Appointments and Fellowships
- Harvard Law School, 2015-2019, Teaching Fellow (for Prof. Lawrence Lessig’s classes Fidelity in Interpretation, Birthing A Constitution, Comparative Constitutional Law)
- Harvard Law School, 2016-2020, Teaching Fellow (for Prof. Vicki Jackson’s classes Comparative Constitutional Law, Constitutional Transitions: Both Sides Now, Knowledge Institutions)
- Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Harvard University, and Harvard Law School, 2015-2016, Teaching Fellow (for Prof. Roberto Unger’s class Progressive Alternatives) – Winner of the Derek Bok Teaching Excellence Award, Harvard University
- Harvard Law School, 2017-2019, Teaching Assistant for the LL.M. Writing Workshop
- Harvard Law School, 2015-2017, Graduate Program Fellow, LL.M. Advisor
Last Updated: July 7th, 2023