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Maroussia Lévesque
S.J.D. Candidate

Berkman Klein Center Affiliate
mlevesque at
Twitter: @Maroussia_____


AI Governance: Towards a Polycentric Model

Artificial intelligence (AI) governance is currently siloed, duplicated and inefficiently allocated among stakeholders. A polycentric model posits AI governance as a spiderweb, with states occupying a central role and creatively arbitrating among a plurality of interests. The project aims to equip governments with tools to fulfill their responsibilities as stewards of the public good in the AI space.

Fields of Research and Supervisors

  • AI-driven discrimination with Professor Martha Minow, Harvard Law School, Principal Faculty Supervisor
  • Legal theory and governance in the technology sector with Professor Lawrence Lessig, Harvard Law School
  • Organizational theory and emerging perspectives on labor law with Professor Ifeoma Ajunwa, UNC School of Law, Founding Director of the Artificial Intelligence and Decision-Making Research Program

Additional Research Interests

  • Labor Law and #TechWontBuildIt Movement
  • Machine Learning Explainability and Interpretability
  • Geopolitical implications of Chinese AI developments
  • Corporate Social Responsibility and Human Rights Law


  • Harvard Law School, S.J.D. Candidate 2020 – Present
  • Harvard Law School, LL.M. Program 2019-2020 (requirements fulfilled, degree waived)
  • McGill University, Canada, B.C.L./ LL.B. 2012
  • Concordia University, Canada, B.F.A. Computation Arts 2007

Representative Publications

Additional Information

Last Updated: August 9th, 2022