Kibrom Teweldebirhan
S.J.D. 2022
Graduate Student Fellow, Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, Harvard University
kteweldebirhan at
“Labor after the Developmental State: Law, State, and Chinese State Enterprises on the African Copperbelt”
Fields of Research and Supervisors
- Comparative and Chinese Law with Professor William Alford, Harvard Law School, Principal Faculty Supervisor
- Labor law with Professor Benjamin I. Sachs, Harvard Law School
- Political Economy of Africa with Professor Robert H. Bates, Department of Government and African and African American Studies, Harvard University
Additional Research Interests
- International and Comparative Law
- Chinese law and legal thought
- Human Rights
- Law and Social Change in Post-Colonial Africa
- Harvard Law School, S.J.D. Candidate 2014-2022
- Harvard Law School, LL.M. 2013
- Wuhan University, P.R. China, LL.M. 2010
- University of Asmara, Eritrea, LL.B. 2006
Academic Appointments and Fellowships
- Harvard Law School East Asian Legal Studies Program, 2014 – Present, East Asian Legal Studies Program, Visiting Scholars Coordinator
- Harvard Law School, 2014-2017, Gradate Program Fellow, LL.M. Advisor
- Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, 2017/18, Graduate Student Fellow
- Harvard Law School, June-July 2017, Cravath Fellow
- Harvard Law School East Asian Legal Studies Program, 2013-2014, Research Fellow
- Harvard Law School, 2013, 2014 & 2015, Summer Research Fellowship
- College of Arts and Social Sciences, Eritrea, 2010-2012, Lecturer on Law
- College of Arts and Social Sciences, Eritrea, 2007-2010, Graduate Assistant
- University of Asmara, 2005-2006, Teaching Assistant
Representative Publications
- Citizenship, Rights and Political Subjectivity in Eritrea (Co-authored with Luwam Dirar), in Munda Ndulo & Cosmas Emeziem eds., THE ROUTLEDGE HANDBOOK OF AFRICAN LAW: A HISTORICAL, POLITICAL, SOCIAL & ECONOMIC CONTEXT OF LAW IN AFRICA (2021)
- (Book review) Downfall of an Emperor: Haile Selassie of Ethiopia and the Derg’s Creeping Coup by Michael Ghebrenegus Haile, 19 Northeast African Studies (2019)
- The Default Rule of the Immunity of International Organizations: Budha Ismail Jam, et al., Petitioners v. International Finance Corporation (case review), 18 Chinese J. Int’L L. (2019)
- The Cultural Boundaries of Empire: The Late Ethiopian Empire, Eritrea and the Post-war International Legal Order (under consideration)
- Outsourcing Accountability: States, International Organizations and Accountability Deficit in International Law, 20 Sw. J. Intl. L 313 (2014)
- The State of Functional Immunity of International Organizations and their Officials and Why it Should be Streamlined, 10 Chinese J. Int’L L., (2010)
Additional Information
Languages: English, Tigrinya, Chinese (basic), French (basic)
Last Updated: July 7th, 2023