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S.J.D. Candidate
hgoldschmid at


The Law of Risk Management – International Due Diligence and Private Law Analogies

In my research, I examine how private domestic law frameworks can be transplanted into the context of public international law, analyzing the benefits and limitations of such an approach. The research focuses on instances where private actors pose risks in both international and domestic domains, and the due diligence obligations that international law imposes on countries to prevent, mitigate, and remedy the harm caused by these risks. By addressing frameworks from tort law and corporate governance that impose duties and demand certain standards of conduct from actors regarding the behavior and damage caused by others, my project aims to explore the notion of risk management and its application and variations across different domains: domestic and international, private and public.

Fields of Research and Supervisors

  • Due Diligence in International Law with Professor Gabriella Blum, Harvard Law School, Principal Faculty Supervisor
  • Corporate Governance and Risk Management with Professor Holger Spamann, Harvard Law School
  • Principles of Anglo-American Tort Law with Professor Jacob Gersen, Harvard Law School


  • Harvard Law School, S.J.D. Candidate 2024 – Present
  • Harvard Law School, LL.M. Program 2023-2024 (requirements fulfilled, degree waived)
  • Tel Aviv University, LL.B. 2021
  • Tel Aviv University, B.A. (Arabic and Islamic Studies) 2021

Representative Publications

Last Updated: June 17, 2024