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The Julis-Rabinowitz Program on jewish and Israeli Law presents: Was the Revival of Meir Kahane through Itamar Ben Gvir Inevitable?: Thoughts on Zionism Today with Shaul Magid

March 29, 2023

12:15 pm - 1:15 pm

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Hauser Hall; 101 Borenstein Meeting Room

Historical inevitability is not a popular notion among scholars. Yet there is little debate that the rise of Israeli parliamentarian Itamar Ben Gvir and his far-right party has brought Meir Kahane, maligned Jewish militant and ousted Knesset member, back into focus. Is this an aberration or can we say it was predictable? How are Kahane and Ben Gvir similar, and how are they different? How much has changed in Israel today from the late 1980s when Kahane was removed from his post by a “Racism Law” supported by Knesset members, right and left? What does this far-right government say about the state of Zionism and the future of Israel as a democratic state? These are some of the questions that will be examined and discussed in this presentation.

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March 29, 2023, 12:15 pm - 1:15 pm

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