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HLS Library Book Talk: Unjust Debts: How Our Bankruptcy System Makes America More Unequal

October 9, 2024

12:30 pm - 1:15 pm

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Langdell Hall; 232/233 Langdell

Join the HLS Library on Wednesday October 9 at 12:30pm for a HLS Library Book Talk in Harvard Law School Library Langdell Hall 232/233. This event features a discussion on Unjust Debts: How Our Bankruptcy System Makes America More Unequal with author and HLS Visiting Professor Melissa Jacoby. This event is free and will be recorded, open to all Harvard ID holders in person, open to the public on Zoom Webinars.

Register to attend in person, Harvard ID required. Register by October 2 for a complimentary lunch.

Register for the livestream via Zoom Webinars, open to the public. Livestream does not include lunch.

If you, or an event participant, require disability-related accommodations, please contact Accessibility Services at

More about the book from the publisher:
“In this brilliant and paradigm-shifting book, legal scholar Melissa B. Jacoby shows how bankruptcy has also become an escape hatch for powerful individuals, corporations, and governments, contributing in unseen and poorly understood ways to race, gender, and class inequality in America. When cities go bankrupt, for example, police unions enjoy added leverage while police brutality victims are denied a seat at the negotiating table; the system is more forgiving of civil rights abuses than of the parking tickets disproportionately distributed in African American neighborhoods. Across a broad range of crucial issues, Unjust Debts reveals the hidden mechanisms by which bankruptcy impacts everything from sexual harassment to health care, police violence to employment discrimination, and the opioid crisis to gun violence.”

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October 9, 2024, 12:30 pm - 1:15 pm

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