Shiur on The Halakhic Boundaries of the Hasmonean Legacy with Zvi Ryzman
March 25, 2025
12:15 pm - 1:30 pm
Hauser Hall; 101 Borenstein Meeting Room
In this lecture, “Shiur on The Halakhic Boundaries of the Hasmonean Legacy,” Rabbi Zvi Ryzman will present key themes from his recently published book, Exploring Halachic Dilemmas of War and Terror: Discussions of Issues in Our Perilous Times (ArtScroll, 2024).
Bio: Zvi Ryzman, a winner of the Jerusalem Prize for his Hebrew volumes of Ratz KaTzvi, insists on being called an ish asakim—a businessman—not a rabbi, despite his top-tier rank among Torah scholars. Embodying the Rabbinic ideal of combining Torah with commerce, Ryzman prioritizes the beis midrash over the office. He is a scholar, teacher, lecturer, author, and philanthropist, known for his original thinking and deep passion for Torah. His halakhah shiurim, delivered in both Israel and America, are attended by renowned rabbinic leaders and widely acclaimed. Through his written and spoken words, Ryzman shares his intellectual brilliance and commitment to Torah with others. He is the author of the recently-published Exploring Halachic Dilemmas of War and Terror: Discussions of Issues in Our Perilous Times (ArtScroll, 2024).