PON Live! New Findings in the Field of Negotiation: Research from the PON Graduate Research Fellows
April 16, 2024
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
This event has passed

Each year, the Program on Negotiation welcomes a group of outstanding doctoral students as PON Graduate Research Fellows. Our Fellows spend a year at PON researching and writing about current topics in the fields of negotiation and mediation, with the goal of publishing their work after their time at PON. Fellows go on to successful careers in academia, the legal and corporate worlds, as well as the public sector.
This session provides an opportunity for two of our Graduate Research Fellows to share and discuss their research findings with the negotiation community.
Jared Miller will present his research “Peacebuilders, Politicians, and Brokers: The Politics of Transforming Conflict and Power in Nigeria?”
Juan Rivera-Rugeles will present his research “Scaling punishment in Colombia’s quest for peace: defining the margins of the anti-impunity fight.”
Visit the PON website for more information: https://www.pon.harvard.edu/events/pon-live-new-findings-miller-rivera-rugeles/