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Pathways to Public Interest – Alumni Panel

March 21, 2023

6:00 pm - 7:15 pm

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Pound Hall; 100 Cahill Classroom

What are some entry points to arrive at a public interest job? First Class alumni have landed their public interest jobs after transitioning from honors programs, Big Law, fellowships, clerkships, nonprofit positions, and many more. Come meet a few of these alumni, who have reached their jobs from different entry points post-graduation, and ask any questions you have on how they got where they are. Dinner will be served. RSVP at


1. Patricia Alejandro ‘17, Clinical Instructor at the Transactional Law Clinics of Harvard Law School
2. Kenny Crouch ‘20, Investigating Attorney, Racial Profiling and Biased Policing Unit, NYC Civilian Complaint Review Board
3. William Greenlaw ‘22, Law Clerk, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit
4. Samantha Harris ‘22, Assistant Public Defender, Colorado Public Defender’s Office
5. Rajiv Narayan ‘20, Social Justice and Impact Litigation Fellow, Santa Clara County Counsel’s Office

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March 21, 2023, 6:00 pm - 7:15 pm

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