Lawyering Under the Trump Administration And the Impact in Massachusetts
March 13, 2025
12:20 pm - 1:20 pm
Pound Hall; 100 Cahill Classroom

Join the WLA Public Interest Committee over lunch on Thursday March 13th from 12:20 – 1:20 in Pound 100 to hear from Vanessa Arslanian, Assistant Attorney General of the Constitutional and Administrative Law Division of the Massachusetts Office of the Attorney General, Eloise Lawrence, Assistant Clinical Professor of Law and Deputy Faculty Director of the Harvard Legal Aid Bureau, and Erin Hegarty, ‘JD 24 and HLAB Fellow discuss what has stayed the same and what has changed since President Trump’s second term has begun, and what this means for lawyers who want to work in the public interest space. There will be a special focus on constitutional and administrative law, housing law, family defense and immigration. Please RSVP