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HLS Beyond Presents: How to Anticipate & Mediate Disability in the Practice & Teaching of Law

November 4, 2024

12:20 pm - 1:20 pm

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Langdell Hall; 232/233 Langdell

Headshot of Professor Michael Stein of HLS

Historically, law school, legal practice, and law teaching have not been well designed to include people with disabilities (visible or invisible) as either actors or as subjects. Although progress is slowly being made, most law school curriculums do not prepare students to anticipate or actively mediate disability inclusion in classrooms or court rooms. Come learn from our local expert, Professor Michael Stein, about how you, as a future lawyer interacting with persons with disabilities or as someone who has a disability yourself,  might effectively anticipate and rectify the exclusions perpetuated in classrooms, courtrooms, offices, and the Academy. The format will include both lecture and interaction. Please REGISTER for lunch.

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November 4, 2024, 12:20 pm - 1:20 pm

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