Felony Disenfranchisement 101 with Campaign Legal Center
April 19, 2023
12:30 pm - 1:15 pm
This event has passed
Austin Hall; 100 Classroom - North
Join Blair Bowie and Kate Uyeda of Campaign Legal Center to discuss the current state of felony disenfranchisement in the United States and CLC’s efforts to expand ballot access for incarcerated people.
Blair Bowie manages CLC’s Restore Your Vote project, which focuses on ending felony disenfranchisement by democratizing access to rights restoration services and working with directly impacted communities to dismantle systemic barriers to the ballot box through advocacy, litigation and policy change.
Kate Uyeda focuses on securing and expanding ballot access for those detained in our nation’s jails through advocacy, litigation, and community education. She works with directly impacted people and community organizers to uncover and dismantle hidden barriers to voting from jail, and to increase ballot access for voters whose democratic voices are diminished by incarceration.