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DOJ’s “Biggest Shift in Corporate Criminal Enforcement:” A New Focus on National Security-Related Corporate Crime

November 8, 2023

12:20 pm - 1:20 pm

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WCC; 3018 Classroom

“[T]he tectonic plates of corporate crime have shifted.” Join the National Security & Law Association in WCC 3018 on Wednesday, November 8th for a conversation with David Kessler, Counsel at Paul, Weiss and former director of the EDNY Cybercrime Task Force. David will be discussing the contents of Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco’s speech prepared for delivery at the Society of Corporate Compliance and Ethics’ 22nd Annual Compliance & Ethics Institute, which details the dramatic expansion of the DOJ’s corporate criminal enforcement efforts in the national security realm, new tools for penalizing corporate misconduct, and a new safe harbor policy for voluntary self-disclosures made in connection with mergers and acquisitions. Lunch will be generously provided by Paul, Weiss. Please RSVP.


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November 8, 2023, 12:20 pm - 1:20 pm

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