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AI Governance: Balancing Opportunity and Security

March 29, 2024

12:15 pm - 1:15 pm

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WCC B010

The Harvard Law AI Law and Policy Student Association is excited to announce a lunch event with Chris Byrd from the RAND Corporation. Food will be provided!

Event details: Fast moving emerging technologies are notoriously difficult to govern. Nevertheless, governments in the US, UK, and EU have all taken action to establish oversight of Frontier AI. This talk will discuss what may have motivated these governments to act, describe some of the steps taken so far, and explore areas of consensus and divergence between the three approaches. Time permitting, we’ll conclude with a broader discussion of the policy toolkit for AI governance, and speculate on what may happen next.

About Chris: Chris Byrd is a Research Fellow at RAND, specializing in AI governance, US-China relations, and defense policy. His current interests include defense industrial base modernization, export control reform, and information security for AI hardware and datacenters. Before RAND, he worked on AI policy at the Defense Innovation Board, the Centre for the Governance of AI, and the Carnegie-Tsinghua Center, and as an independent researcher and consultant for various leading AI labs and government clients. He completed graduate study at Tsinghua University and Johns Hopkins SAIS.

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March 29, 2024, 12:15 pm - 1:15 pm

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