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Spring 2023 Clinic

Religious Freedom Clinic

Enrollment in this clinic will fulfill the HLS JD pro bono requirement.

Required Class Component: Religious Freedom Clinic Seminar (2 spring classroom credits). The clinic and its classroom component are bundled; your enrollment in the clinic will automatically enroll you in the required seminar.

Additional Co-/Pre-Requisites: None.

By Permission: Yes. Applications are due by May 16, 2022.

Add/Drop Deadline: December 2, 2022.

LLM Students: LLM students may apply to the clinic through the LLM General Clinic Application.

Placement Site: HLS.

About the Clinic: The Religious Freedom Clinic provides students a hands-on, supervised experience representing a diverse group of clients in legal matters raising First Amendment and religious liberty issues. In the clinic, students represent religious individuals and organizations of all faiths, with a focus on helping the imprisoned, victims of workplace discrimination, and those facing obstacles in ministering to migrants, the poor, and their communities. Under the supervision of the clinic’s director and staff, clinic students engage in client counseling, policy work, pre-trial and trial litigation, appellate advocacy, and amicus work in cases of national importance.

Application Process: Admission to the Religious Freedom Clinic is by permission of the Clinic Director, Josh McDaniel. Students should submit an application to by May 16, 2022. (Applications after that date will be considered if additional seats become available.) The application should be in a combined PDF that includes a resume and statement of interest of 250 words or less describing the student’s reasons for applying to the clinic, relevant coursework, and which semesters (fall and/or spring) the student is applying for.