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Spring 2026 Clinic

Animal Law & Policy Clinic

To learn more about the Clinical Curriculum and Registration, please visit our Clinical Registration Center. You can also find more information on How to Register for Clinics and How Clinical Credits Work.

For more information about this clinic, please visit the Clinic Website, Clinic Q&A and OCP Blog Highlights.

Enrollment in this clinic will fulfill the HLS JD pro bono requirement.

Required Class Component: Animal Law and Policy Clinical Seminar (2 spring classroom credits). This clinic and course are bundled; your enrollment in the clinic will automatically enroll you in this required course.
Additional Co-/Pre-Requisites: None.
By Permission: No.
Add/Drop Deadline: December 12, 2025.
LLM Students: LLM students may enroll in this clinic through Helios.
Placement Site: HLS.

The Animal Law & Policy Clinic works to advance the interests of animals through litigation, administrative rulemaking, policy initiatives, organizing, and other legal advocacy avenues. Students will gain direct experience with a broad range of federal statutes—such as the Endangered Species Act, the Animal Welfare Act, and the Administrative Procedure Act—and develop critically important strategic thinking and analytical skills. Clinic work may include litigation-related opportunities, from client counseling and drafting of federal pleadings, to oral argument preparation. In addition, students may work on administrative law projects, such as petitions for rulemaking and comment letters, as well as policy projects aimed at improving conditions for animals. Students will have significant responsibility over their projects and will learn best practices of case management, including how to juggle multiple projects and how to work with co-counsel. The Clinic will focus on the following core areas: wildlife & biodiversity; captive animal welfare law; and farmed animal welfare.

Successful completion of appropriate written work in this offering satisfies the professional writing requirement for matriculants to the J.D. program from 2023 onward.