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Spring 2022 Course

Administrative Law

Prerequisites: None

Exam Type: One-Day Take Home

This course will study the law governing federal administrative agencies, and related matters of policy and theory. Using the material covered in the first-year “Legislation and Regulation” course as a foundation, this class will cover a variety of topics, including the legal framework (both constitutional and statutory) that governs administrative rulemaking and adjudication; the structure and function of administrative agencies; the legal framework governing administrative adjudication as both a decision-making process and a form of regulation; the president’s power to act independently and supervise the executive branch; and judicial review of agency decisions. The central theme of the course is how the law manages the tension between “rule of law” values (e.g., procedural regularity, accountability, and substantive limits on arbitrary action) and the desire for flexible, effective administrative governance.

Note: This course is open to upper-level JDs.

Note: This course will be held from 1/24/22 to 4/4/22.