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Showing 18 events for the week starting 11/14/2024

November 14

Thursday • 18 events

  • Hablemos de México: Alfredo Gutiérrez Ortiz Mena – The Role of the Judiciary in Mexico’s Democracy

    9:00 am - 10:30 am

    Please register for the event on Eventbrite: Alfredo Gutiérrez Ortiz Mena, born in Cuernavaca, Morelos, in 1969, is a Supreme Court Justice in Mexico. He holds a law degree from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) and a master’s degree from Harvard Law School, with a specialization…
  • Freedom of Speech in Jewish Law: Theoretical Ideals and Practical Realities

    12:15 pm - 1:15 pm

    Join us for “Freedom of Speech in Jewish Law: Theoretical Ideals and Practical Realities with Aviad Hacohen, Professor, The Academic Center for Law and Science Moderated by Menachem Butler, Program Fellow Julis-Rabinowitz Program on Jewish and Israeli Law”…
  • Anti-Gender Politics in Latin America

    12:15 pm - 1:30 pm

    Anti-gender politics have played an extremely important part in conservative movements in Latin America, as well as across the world. Anti-democratic leaders share a common script of where the “dangers of gender ideology” are used to rally support from electorates and often serve as pretext for distracting the public from…
  • U.S. Tech Policy Toward China: Growing Parallels Between Washington and Beijing?

    12:20 pm - 1:20 pm

    Angela Huyue Zhang Professor of Law, University of Southern California, Gould School of Law In this talk, I will pose the provocative question of whether America is now acting like China in its attempt to contain China’s technological rise. Amid the escalating Sino-U.S. tech war, the United States has…
  • Winter Term International Travel Pre-Departure Information Session

    12:20 pm - 1:20 pm

    Students planning to travel abroad over Winter Term for HLS credit and/or with Harvard funding must attend a MANDATORY Winter Term international travel information session. (The session will be offered twice; you need only attend one of them.*) Representatives from International Legal Studies, Global Support Services, Student Health Services, and…
  • Wrestling With the WWE: Uncovering Investment Fraud & Securities Law Violations Within World Wrestling Entertainment

    12:20 pm - 1:15 pm

    Block & Leviton is representing stockholders against World Wide Wrestling Entertainment, alleging illegal investment practices in its $21.4 billion dollar merger with Ultimate Fighting Championship. This case also involves allegations of sexual misconduct: plaintiffs state that without the merger, Vince McMahon would no longer have continued in his role as…
  • Beyond the Big Lie

    12:30 pm - 1:30 pm

    How and why do politicians lie? And how can we, the public, keep the facts in check–even in the face of increased mis- and disinformation online? The Institute for Rebooting Social welcomes Bill Adair to discuss his new book, Beyond the Big Lie: The Epidemic of Political Lying,
  • Entrepreneurship in Space [Lunch]

    12:30 pm - 1:10 pm

    Join the Harvard Law School Space Law Society & Harvard Law Entrepreneurship Project for a lunch hour discussing entrepreneurship in space. Scarlett Koller, founder and CEO of Mithril Technologies, will discuss her satellite technology startup and the expectations for space entrepreneurship in the 21st century. Audience Q&A will follow. WCC…
  • MLSA+MENALSA: 1L Summer Job Info Session

    12:30 pm - 1:15 pm

    Join us for an informative event hosted by MLSA and MENALSA to support 1Ls applying for summer jobs. There will be food and refreshments, a short presentation covering key application materials and strategies, and a Q&A with a student panel.
  • Embracing New Changes with Mindfulness

    12:30 pm - 1:15 pm

    Do you want to learn how to embrace new changes with mindfulness? Join us for a session with Gen Kelsang Khedrub, a meditation teacher with over 30 years of experience. Learn how to apply Buddhist wisdom to relieve stress and worry, practice simple meditations that you can do at home,…
  • HALB x Sidley: Transactional Law Insights – M&A, Private Equity, ECVC, Investment Funds, Sports Law & Tax

    12:30 pm - 1:15 pm

    Please join HALB & Sidley Austin for an engaging discussion on the vast opportunities and diverse practice areas within transactional law, including Mergers & Acquisitions, Private Equity, Emerging Companies & Venture Capital (ECVC), Investment Funds, Sports Law, and Tax. Moderated by partner John Schaff, this session will feature associate perspectives…
  • HSR update: What’s New? A Discussion with Paul, Weiss

    12:30 pm - 1:15 pm

    Join HLSAA for a discussion with partners from Paul, Weiss, regarding recent changes to the merger HSR clearance process.
  • Prosecution as Public Service: Navigating a Career at the Intersection of Civil Rights & Gender Justice Enforcement and Learning to Wield Power Fairly & Effectively

    12:30 pm - 1:15 pm

    Prosecutors tend to be unpopular and often distrusted, unless popular culture agrees with who is being prosecuted (which isn’t how prosecutorial decisions work). Sometimes there is good reason for distrust, but despite that, it is hardly wise to paint with a broad brush and vilify or glorify an entire group of public servants. Join Wasserstein Fellow Fara Gold as she discusses why being a prosecutor means upholding the Constitution, wielding power fairly, and doing so with humanity. She will explain why she cringes when she reads about prosecutors who have "notched wins" or "scored convictions," because that isn’t how principled prosecutors talk about their careers. Fara will discuss this in the context of her own career first as a state prosecutor, then as a federal prosecutor for the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division where she specialized in prosecuting law enforcement sexual misconduct, and now as an attorney with the Office on Violence Against Women where she focuses on policy and training to address gender-based violence. Lunch provided. Please RSVP below. Open to the HLS community.
  • Lunch Talk with Judge Patricia Millet

    12:30 pm - 1:15 pm

    Join ACS and WLA for a lunch talk with Judge Millet of the D.C. Circuit. It will be a discussion on appellate advocacy, Judge Millet’s path to the bench, work/life balance, the clerkship application process, and how to serve as a successful law clerk. Please RSVP here:…
  • Unveiled Narratives: Intersections of Immigration and Identity, Featuring Lan Le and AARW

    12:30 pm - 1:15 pm

    As part of HIP’s speaker series on underserved immigrant communities, we will be hosting Lan Le, a Vietnamese immigrant rights activist, and Asian American Resource Workshop (AARW), a grassroots organization focused on empowering pan-Asian communities in the Greater Boston area. Please join to learn how you can play a role…
  • WLA Young Alumni Panel

    6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

    Join the WLA Alumni & Mentorship Committee for a moderated panel with alumni followed by a reception at the HLS pub. Please RSVP
  • EDP Summer Jobs Panel + GBM

    6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

    Join the Equal Democracy Project to learn about summer job opportunities in the voting rights/democracy/election law space and to catch up on election protection efforts after the election. As part of this GBM’s programming, hear from fellow students who have recently completed 1L and 2L summer experiences at relevant nonprofit…
  • WLA Young Alumni Reception

    7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

    Join the WLA Alumni & Mentorship Committee for a moderated panel with alumni followed by a reception at the HLS pub. Drinks and apps provided. Please RSVP