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Cass R. Sunstein, Which Nudges Do People Like? A National Survey, in Handbook of Behavioural Change and Public Policy 285 (Holger Straßheim & Silke Beck eds., 2019).

Abstract: In surveys, majorities of Americans disapprove of twelve hypothetical nudges (seven involving default rules, five involving education campaigns or disclosure requirements). These results provide an illuminating contrast with majority support for twenty-two nudges that were also tested, and that are much more realistic examples of the kinds of nudges that have been adopted or seriously considered in democratic nations. In general (and with some interesting exceptions), there is a strikingly broad consensus, across partisan lines, about which nudges do and do not deserve support. The best understanding of the data is that people dislike those nudges that (a) promote what people see as illicit ends, or (b) are perceived as inconsistent with either the interests or values of most choosers.