Elizabeth Warren, Jay Lawrence Westbrook, Katherine Porter & John Pottow, The Law of Debtors and Creditors: Text, Cases, and Problems (7th ed Wolters Kluwer L. & Bus. 2014).
Abstract: One of the leading casebooks in the field, The Law of Debtors and Creditors features forty problem sets with realistic questions a lawyer considers in confronting the statutory provisions for a bankruptcy case. Explanatory text throughout makes bankruptcy law accessible to students and easier to teach. The material is organized functionally--as a bankruptcy case would unfold--making the presentation logical and sensible. By separating consumer bankruptcy from business bankruptcy, professors can select the depth of coverage for each course. The Seventh Edition produces expanded coverage of business bankruptcy topics such as corporate governance in bankruptcy and bankruptcy sales. Discussion of over a half-dozen recent Supreme Court cases on bankruptcy includes Stern v. Marshall. Adjustments to teaching approach to means test and other 2005 amendment topics reflect existing law and practice and help students learn.