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Mark Tushnet, The Indian Constitution Seen from Outside, in The Oxford Handbook of the Indian Constitution 1019 (Sujit Choudhry, Madhav Khosla & Pratap Bhanu Mehta eds., 2016).

Abstract: This chapter considers some aspects of the Indian Constitution and its judicial interpretation, as seen from abroad. To this end, it discusses a number of topics that compare India’s constitutional experience with those of other countries, beginning with unconstitutional constitutional amendments and the ‘Basic Structure’ doctrine. It then explores public interest litigation, affirmative action and reservations, and finally the mechanisms by which judicial independence has been secured in India. It also comments on the contentious relationship between constitutional courts and political elites in other institutions. The chapter concludes by noting how constitutional developments, including the growth of constitutional doctrine, are intertwined with a nation’s overall political system, especially the party system in place.