Antonin Scalia & Stephen G. Breyer, Reflections on the Administrative Conference, 83 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 1205 (2015).
Abstract: Just over five years ago we testified together before a subcommittee of the House of Representatives’ Judiciary Committee to comment on the Administrative Conference of the United States (“Conference”). The occasion was the resumption of the Conference’s activities—under the able leadership of the then recently appointed Conference Chairman, Paul R. Verkuil—after a fifteen-year period of dormancy that began in 1995 when the agency lost its funding. Our testimony was largely informed by our own experiences with the Conference during its previous incarnation—one of us as its Chairman, the other as its long-time Liaison from the Judicial Conference of the United States. As our contribution to this special issue of The George Washington Law Review, marking the Conference’s fiftieth anniversary, we are pleased to share with its readers the prepared statements we submitted to the Judiciary Committee.