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    Demand-side policies for mitigating climate change based on behavioral insights are gaining increased attention in research and practice. Here we describe a systematic map that catalogs existing research on behaviorally informed interventions targeting changes in consumer food consumption and food waste behavior. The purpose is to gain an overview of research foci and gaps, providing an evidence base for deeper analysis. In terms of food consumption, we focus on animal protein (meat, fish, dairy, and eggs) and its substitutes. The map follows the standards for evidence synthesis from the Collaboration for Environmental Evidence (CEE) as well as the RepOrting Standards for Systematic Evidence Syntheses (ROSES). We identified 49 articles including 56 separate studies, as well as 18 literature reviews. We find a variety of study designs with a focus on canteen and restaurant studies as well as a steep increase of publications since 2016. We create an interactive evidence atlas that plots these studies across geographical space. Here, we find a concentration of research in the Anglo-Saxon world. Most studies follow multi-intervention designs and focus on actual food consumption behavior, fewer on food waste behavior. We identify knowledge clusters amenable for a systematic review focusing on the effectiveness of these interventions, namely: priming, disclosure, defaults, social norms, micro-environment changes, and ease of use. The systematic map highlights knowledge gaps, where more primary research is needed and evidence cannot support policy; it identifies knowledge clusters, where sufficient studies exist but there is a lack of clarity over effectiveness, and so full synthesis can be conducted rapidly; finally, it reveals patterns in research methods that can highlight best practices and issues with methodology that can support the improvement of primary evidence production and mitigation of research waste. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first systematic study mapping this specific area.

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    The House would be fully justified to use this drastic remedy.

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    New technology makes it possible to create videos that show a person doing or saying anything the creator wants—and it’s not clear what U.S. law can do about it.

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    In the theory of the administrative state, a central thread of debate has involved the effect of increasing economic and social complexity on the form of legal instruments. Drawing upon work by Pound, Schmitt and Dworkin, I show that the first two both assumed that the administrative state would increasingly abandon general rules in favor of ad hoc administrative commands — a development that the early Pound welcomed but that Schmitt feared. Ronald Dworkin, by contrast, predicted that the increasing complexity of the modern state would produce ever-greater reliance on relatively abstract legal principles rather than either rules or ad hoc commands. Dworkin’s prediction has largely been borne out in administrative law, particularly the law of judicial review of agency action. That body of law has developed over time by turning to abstract and general principles of rationality and procedural validity to maintain the public edifice of legality.

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    In our lab, 299 real judges from seven major jurisdictions (Argentina, Brazil, China, France, Germany, India, and USA) spend up to fifty-five minutes to judge an international criminal appeals case and determine the appropriate prison sentence. The lab computer (i) logs their use of the documents (briefs, statement of facts, trial judgment, statute, precedent) and (ii) randomly assigns each judge (a) a horizontal precedent disfavoring, favoring, or strongly favoring defendant, (b) a sympathetic or an unsympathetic defendant, and (c) a short, medium, or long sentence anchor. Document use and written reasons differ between countries but not between common and civil law. Precedent effect is barely detectable and estimated to be less, and bounded to be not much greater than, that of legally irrelevant defendant attributes and sentence anchors.

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    A conversation between Pablo Arrocha Olabuenaga and Naz Khatoon Modirzadeh on the origins, objectives, and context of the 24 February 2021 'Arria-formula' meeting convened by Mexico.

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    Alibaba, the NYSE-traded Chinese ecommerce giant, is currently valued at over $500 billion. But Alibaba’s governance is opaque, obscuring who controls the firm. We show that Jack Ma, who now owns only about 5%, can effectively control Alibaba by controlling an entirely different firm: Ant Group. We demonstrate how control of Ant Group enables Ma to dominate Alibaba’s board. We also explain how this control gives Ma the indirect ability to disable (and perhaps seize) VIE-held licenses critical to Alibaba, providing him with substantial additional leverage. Alibaba is a case study of how corporate control can be created synthetically with little or no equity ownership via a web of employment and contractual arrangements.

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    Whether or how a constitution's guarantees respecting basic right and liberties are to take effect in "horizontal" cases, those involving relations among persons and groups outside of government, has been and remains a matter of debate in liberal-democratic societies. The liberal political philosophy of John Rawls has sometimes been charged with a normative tilt against full extension of the guarantees to these "private" relations. I find the opposite to be true. Given Rawls's conception of the constitution as a society's higher-legal framework for assurance of fairness in its basic structure, along with the justificatory function that Rawls assigns to the guarantees in a constitution thus conceived and the idea of these guarantees comprising a unified "scheme of liberties" guaranteed equally to all, it follows that norms of private law allowing construction of basic of liberties of some by acts of others in civil society should be subject to review for proportional justification. But not every liberty-hostile exercise of a protected basic liberty will come under the scope of such review. For those that do not, liberalism must find some other response.

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    Employers and governments are interested in the use of serological (antibody) testing to allow people to return to work before there is a vaccine for SARS-CoV-2. We articulate the preconditions needed for the implementation of antibody testing, including the role of the U.S. Food & Drug Administration.

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    The current SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has killed thousands across the world. SARS-CoV-2 is the latest but surely not the last such global pandemic we will face. The biomedical response to such pandemics includes treatment, vaccination, and so on. In this paper, though, we argue that it is time to consider an additional strategy: the somatic (non-heritable) enhancement of human immunity. We argue for this approach and consider bioethics objections we believe can be overcome.

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    The Trump Administration’s effort to get rid of the Obama Administration’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, or DACA, failed before the Supreme Court in Department of Homeland Security v. Regents of the University of California. In this essay—adapted from a presentation given to an American Bar Association section in September 2020—Brian Wolfman reviews DACA, the Supreme Court’s decision, and its administrative-law implications. The failure of the Trump Administration to eliminate DACA may have had significant political consequences, and it surely had immediate and momentous consequences for many of DACA’s hundreds of thousands of beneficiaries. In the aftermath of the Court’s decision, some commentators noted, however, that the Supreme Court’s ruling it is not a major legal landmark—that it involves only the application of settled administrative-law principles. Wolfman largely agrees. Nonetheless, the decision’s administrative-law holdings are interesting, and the Court’s ruling contains several of what Wolfman sees as “extras”—little nuances that may affect the law over time and that should interest administrative-law nerds. This essay reviews those “extras” too.

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    The author, a professor at Harvard Law School, argues that concerns about the perils of short-termism—and support for measures that would insulate corporate leaders from the outside pressures that allegedly make them myopic—are long on alarming rhetoric and short on empirical evidence or economic logic. Furthermore, he writes, the threat of hedge fund activism should be expected to discourage managerial slack and underperformance, thus playing an important disciplinary role and incentivizing leaders to enhance shareholder value.

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    At the center of a fundamental and heated debate about the purpose that corporations should serve, an increasingly influential “stakeholderism” view advocates giving corporate leaders the discretionary power to serve all stakeholders and not just shareholders. Supporters of stakeholderism argue that its application would address growing concerns about the impact of corporations on society and the environment. By contrast, critics of stakeholderism object that corporate leaders should not be expected to use expanded discretion to benefit stakeholders. This Article presents novel empirical evidence that can contribute to resolving this key debate. During the hostile takeover era of the 1980s, stakeholderist arguments contributed to the adoption of constituency statutes by more than thirty states. These statutes authorize corporate leaders to give weight to stakeholder interests when considering a sale of their company. We study how corporate leaders in fact used the power awarded to them by these statutes in the past two decades. In particular, using hand-collected data, we analyze in detail more than a hundred cases governed by constituency statutes in which corporate leaders negotiated a sale of their company to a private equity buyer. We find that corporate leaders have used their bargaining power to obtain gains for shareholders, executives, and directors. However, despite the risks that private equity acquisitions posed for stakeholders, corporate leaders made very little use of their power to negotiate for stakeholder protections. Furthermore, in cases in which some protections were included, they were practically inconsequential or cosmetic. We conclude that constituency statutes failed to deliver the benefits to stakeholders that they were supposed to produce. Beyond their implications for the long-standing debate on constituency statutes, our findings also provide important lessons for the ongoing debate on stakeholderism. At a minimum, stakeholderists should identify the causes for the failure of constituency statutes and examine whether the adoption of their proposals would not suffer a similar fate. After examining several possible explanations for the failure of constituency statutes, we conclude that the most plausible explanation is that corporate leaders have incentives not to protect stakeholders beyond what would serve shareholder value. The evidence we present indicates that stakeholderism should be expected to fail to deliver, as have constituency statutes. Stakeholderism therefore should not be supported, even by those who deeply care about stakeholders. This paper is part of a larger research project of the Harvard Law School Corporate Governance on stakeholder capitalism and stakeholderism. Another part of this research project is The Illusory Promise of Stakeholder Governance by Lucian A. Bebchuk and Roberto Tallarita.

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    It is widely recognized that bankruptcy law can stymie regulatory enforcement and present challenges for governments when regulated businesses file for Chapter 11. It is less-widely understood that bankruptcy law can present governments with opportunities to advance policy goals if they are willing to adopt tactics traditionally associated with activist investors, a strategy we call “government bankruptcy activism.” The bankruptcy filings by Chrysler and General Motors in 2009 are a famous example: the government of the United States used the bankruptcy process to help both auto manufacturers resolve their financial distress while promoting the policy objectives of protecting union workers and addressing climate change. A decade later, the government of California applied its bargaining power in the Pacific Gas & Electric Company’s Chapter 11 case to protect climate policies and the victims of wildfires. These examples illustrate that, by tapping into the bankruptcy system, governments gain access to the exceptional powers that a debtor enjoys under bankruptcy law, which can complement the traditional tools of appropriations and regulation to facilitate and accelerate policy outcomes. This strategy is especially useful in times of urgency and policy paralysis, when government bankruptcy activism can provide a pathway past veto players in the political system. However, making policy through the bankruptcy system presents potential downsides as well, as it may also allow governments to evade democratic accountability and obscure the financial losses that stakeholders are forced to absorb to help fund those policy outcomes.

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    Should platforms be held liable for the harms suffered by users? A two-sided platform enables interactions between firms and users. There are two types of firm: harmful and safe. Harmful firms impose larger costs on the users. If firms have deep pockets then platform liability is unnecessary. Holding the firms liable for user harms deters the harmful firms from joining the platform. If firms are judgment proof then platform liability plays an instrumental role in reducing social costs. With platform liability, the platform has an incentive to (1) raise the interaction price to deter harmful firms and (2) invest resources to detect and remove harmful firms from the platform. The residual liability assigned to the platform may be partial instead of full. The optimal level of platform liability depends on whether users are involuntary bystanders or voluntary consumers, and the intensity of platform competition.

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    Constitutional theory dating to Montesquieu identified three branches of government, each with a specific function: the legislature enacted general rules, the executive enforced the rules, and the judiciary resolved disputes about the rules’ meaning and application. Every government had to have these branches in some form; that is, the branches were necessary elements in a governance structure. In addition, the branches were exhaustive: that is, taken together they did everything a government could do.

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  • Deborah Anker, Law of Asylum in the United States (2021 ed.).


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    Through a combination of organic growth and acquisitions, LKQ Corp. became the leading aftermarket auto parts distributor in the U.S. by the early 2000s. Beginning in 2012, the company began similarly consolidating the European marketplace. However, by 2017, the company still lacked a meaningful presence in Germany, which was the largest automotive market in Europe. Stahlgruber AG, the largest German distributor, became available as an acquisition opportunity. Senior LKQ management had to decide whether to participate in the sale process, and if so, how high to bid. Bain Capital, which was also making aggressive moves into the European marketplace, was likely to be the other significant bidder. On one hand, “Project Jigsaw” (named as such because Stahlgruber would be the jigsaw piece in the center of the European puzzle) represented a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for LKQ. On the other hand, the competitive bidding process would force LKQ to stretch financially. The case presents the challenges and opportunities presented by the Stahlgruber acquisition.

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    To investigate the widespread claim that stock market short-termism is a major drag on U.S. corporate investment, R&D, and the broad economy, the author examines trends in corporate capital investment, buybacks, and R&D that stretch back, in some cases, over the past 50 years. (He briefly summarizes firm-level data and explains their limits in making policy recommendations.) As critics of market-driven corporate short-termism have pointed out, U.S. corporate investment in capital equipment and other tangible assets has been falling steadily since the late 1970s, and buybacks have been rising. This relationship is suggestive of large public firms pushing out their cash and weakening their capacity to invest. But if the story of economy-wide short-termist decline due to stock market pressure were valid and strong, we would expect to see the following: (1) investment spending in the United States declining faster than in Europe and Japan, where large companies depend less on stock markets for capital and where shareholder activists are less influential; (2) cash from large share buybacks inducing a bleeding out of cash from the U.S. corporate sector; and (3) economy-wide declines in corporate R&D spending. What the author reports, however, is U.S. corporate R&D spending, far from falling, has been rising since the 1970, and is rising faster than the economy is growing. And while corporate distributions of capital through dividends and gross buybacks have also been rising sharply for decades, corporate cash holdings (as a percentage of total assets), are at near record high levels. The best explanation for such high cash holdings together with record-high payouts—and perhaps the author’s most striking finding—is that such distributions are closely matched to new corporate borrowings. What’s more, the annual pattern of net payouts by S&P 500 companies, often mature companies, is remarkably similar to net new investment into smaller public companies outside of the S&P 500 companies. Since capital spending by European and Japanese companies—which face neither U.S.-style quarterly-oriented stock markets nor aggressive activist investors—has been falling more rapidly than in American companies suggests that U.S. capital markets may not be a particularly powerful source of corporate shortsightedness. The author brings forward alternative explanations. These trends do not preclude the possibility that had the critics’ proposals been in place decades ago, investment, R&D, and overall performance would have been even better. But before embarking on potentially expensive reforms we should have more confidence that there is indeed a severe problem that needs addressing. For example, while critics see short-termism as damaging American R&D, the numbers show corporate R&D spending to be rising, while government support for innovation and R&D has been falling since the financial crisis. If innovation needs more support, it’s the government cutbacks that would first seem to need to be addressed.

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    This report is the first in a series of reports by the Program on International Financial Systems on enhancing the market structure for trading U.S. Treasuries (“cash Treasuries”) and for repurchase agreements of U.S. Treasuries (“Treasury repos”). In this report, we assess whether policymakers should mandate central clearing in both markets. In future reports we will consider whether policymakers should require the public disclosure of transaction-level data and evaluate design considerations for the standing Treasury repo facility.

  • Christopher Lewis, Mass Incarceration, Risk and the Principles of Punishment, 112 J. Crim. L. & Criminology (forthcoming 2021).


    Many criminal justice reformers see risk-based sentencing—where an offender’s likelihood of returning to crime determines the amount of time they spend in prison—as a fair and efficient way to shrink the size of the incarcerated population, while minimizing sacrifices to public safety. But, as this article shows, risk-based sentencing is indefensible—even assuming the truth of a number of controversial premises that proponents take to be sufficient for its justification. Instead of trying to cut sentences for those who are least likely to reoffend, officials should focus sentence reductions on the least well-off—who tend to be the most likely to reoffend.

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    This course explores legal issues relating to the creation, exploitation, and protection of music and other content. It focuses on traditional regimes and models and the ways new technologies have affected strategies involved in making and distributing content. The seminar balances doctrinal and policy concerns with day-to-day legal and business practices and skills relevant to practitioners.

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    This chapter explores the problem of incorporating music and art into a theory of freedom of speech without also including a far wider range of human activities. Constitution writers and scholars of free expression agree that music and art are covered by principles of free expression. Exactly why they are is a bit unclear, but the unclarity has few practical implications. Examination of the coverage of music and art, though, may reveal something about free expression theory. It may show that that theory deals with subjects sharing a family resemblance rather than resting upon ‘foundations’. If so, the examination has significant theoretical implications—and almost no practical ones. Democratic governments rarely attempt to coercively regulate art and music.

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    Why are lies wrong? The answer bears on continuing disputes about freedom of speech and the protection of lies and falsehoods. One answer, rooted in the work of Immanuel Kant, sees lies as a close cousin to coercion; they are a violation of individual autonomy and a demonstration of contempt. By contrast, the utilitarian answer is that lies are likely to lead to terrible consequences, sometimes because they obliterate trust, sometimes because they substitute the liar's will for that of the chooser, who has much better information about the chooser's welfare than does the liar. The utilitarian objection to paternalistic lies is akin to the utilitarian embrace of Milll's Harm Principle. It is possible to see the Kantian view as a kind of moral heuristic, welcome on utilitarian grounds. The Kantian and utilitarian objections to lying have implications for the family, the workplace, advertising, commerce, and politics, and also for constitutional law.

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    "Drawing upon the experience of faculty from across the country, Integrating Doctrine and Diversity is a collection of essays with practical advice, written by faculty for faculty, on specific ways to integrate diversity, equity and inclusion into the law school curriculum. Chapters will focus on subjects traditionally taught in the first-year curriculum (Civil Procedure, Constitutional Law, Contracts, Legal Writing, Legal Research, Property, Torts) and each chapter will also include a short annotated bibliography curated by a law librarian. With submissions from over 40 scholars, the collection is the first of its kind to offer reflections, advice and specific instruction on how to integrate issues of diversity and inclusions into first-year doctrinal courses"– Provided by the publisher

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    Property has a complexity problem. Although both “property” and “complexity” are often invoked in property theory, we need more and better notions of both. Much theorizing about property law and institutions suffers from an excessive and misguided reductionism, what I call “Flatland.” The Flatland style of theorizing reduces law to a heap of rules and property to a merely additive bundle of rights. By incorporating complexity based on dense interaction into the picture, we can overcome some false dichotomies in property theory. These include the unstructured collection of “sticks,” the flattening of system, all-or-nothing formalism, misunderstandings of the role of information costs, and the assumption that purposes must be directly reflected in individual rules of property. By contrast, seeing system in property as a method of managing complexity points to the importance of exclusion versus governance; hybrid regimes of private, common, and public property; a spectrum of formalism including law versus equity; degrees of modularity and thing-ness; a combination of spontaneous and directed evolution; and a synergy of common law and legislation. Implementing these aspects of system and overcoming problematic reductionism and false dichotomies will require an encounter with practice. Applications to the law of possession, aerial trespass, nuisance, and the integration of property “bundles” demonstrate how theory can meet practice.

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