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Zhichao Jiang, Eli Ben-Michael, D. James Greiner et al., Longitudinal Causal Inference with Selective Eligibility, arXiv (Oct. 23, 2024).

Abstract: Dropout often threatens the validity of causal inference in longitudinal studies. While existing studies have focused on the problem of missing outcomes caused by treatment, we study an important but overlooked source of dropout, selective eligibility. For example, patients may become ineligible for subsequent treatments due to severe side effects or complete recovery. Selective eligibility differs from the problem of ``truncation by death'' because dropout occurs after observing the outcome but before receiving the subsequent treatment. This difference makes the standard approach to dropout inapplicable. We propose a general methodological framework for longitudinal causal inference with selective eligibility. By focusing on subgroups of units who would become eligible for treatment given a specific treatment history, we define the time-specific eligible treatment effect (ETE) and expected number of outcome events (EOE) under a treatment sequence of interest. Assuming a generalized version of sequential ignorability, we derive two nonparametric identification formulae, each leveraging different parts of the observed data distribution. We then derive the efficient influence function of each causal estimand, yielding the corresponding doubly robust estimator. Finally, we apply the proposed methodology to an impact evaluation of a pre-trial risk assessment instrument in the criminal justice system, in which selective eligibility arises due to recidivism.