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J. Mark Ramseyer, Liability for Defective Products: Comparative Hypotheses and Evidence from Japan, in Products Liability: Problems and Process 550 (James Henderson, Aaron Twerski & Douglas Kysar eds., 8th ed. 2016).

Abstract: Products Liability: Problems and Process offers a problem-based approach that balances doctrine with in-depth exercises that prompt students to apply the law in realistic fact scenarios. Rules and comments from the Restatement (Third) of Torts: Products Liability—for which two of the authors, James Henderson and Aaron Twerski, have served as co-reporters—are fully integrated throughout the text. Brief dialogs among the three authors present a range of perspectives on controversial issues within the field to help stimulate reflection and discussion. The book concludes with a chapter on products liability in a global context. New to the 8th Edition: • substantial reorganization of material resulting in a slimmer, more user-friendly volume; • fully updated notes and cases in every chapter, including the latest scholarly commentary; • several new problem exercises and author dialogues throughout the book; • complete revision of preemption coverage and analysis; and • addition of a new co-author, Doug Kysar.