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Mary Ann Glendon, La Libertà Religiosa, in La Legge di Re Salomone: Ragione e diritto nei discorsi di Benedetto XVI 36 (Marta Cartabia & Andrea Simoncini eds., RCS Libri, Libreria Editrice Vaticana, BUR Saggi Rizzoli 2013).

Abstract: Along the course of his pontificate, Benedict XVI was called upon to confront the political and cultural leaders of many European countries and major international institutions. This confrontation resulted in a complex set of reflections on the liberal political and legal order, which touches on the fundamental issues of democracy, the relationship between law, law and justice, religious freedom, and the role of believers in the public sphere. In this volume, which collects for the first time such interventions, some jurists and intellectuals of different cultural, political, religious, and geographic extraction face the main "legal disputes" of Benedict XVI, starting with Regensburg in 2006 until That of the Berlin Bundestag in 2011, thus launching a public discussion about the precious cultural heritage of a Pontiff particularly sensitive to the problems of civil coexistence. Benedict XVI's public opinion reveals, in the light of this analysis, unexpected content that questions the most common stereotypes about Catholic culture, the faith-reason relationship, and the position of the same Pontiff in the face of contemporaneity. Conceived before the "renunciation" of Benedict XVI, this volume assumes the value of a tribute to the emerged Pope, witnessing an open reason that allows dialogue with each other. Preface by Giorgio Napolitano.