Elizabeth Warren, Bankruptcy and Article 9: 2021 Statutory Supplement (2021).
Abstract: This year’s Supplements contain numerous amendments to the Bankruptcy Code. They are from the COVID-19 Bankruptcy Relief Extension Act of 2021, the Consolidated Appropriations Act, and the Bankruptcy Administrative Improvement Act of 2020. The Supplement also contains new UCC comments on protected series and the effect of bad faith purchase at an Article 9 sale. It also contains minor amendments to the Bankruptcy Rules and the bankruptcy related provisions of Title 28. In the course of a career, the number of state and federal statutes that a serious practitioner of commercial law would likely consult must surely reach into the hundreds. Not many practitioners would try to carry such statutes around, either in books or in their heads. But a few statutes are used over and over. Together, those few form the core of two basic subjects in commercial law, secured transactions and bankruptcy. Those core statutes are reproduced in this slender volume.