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William A. Klein, J. Mark Ramseyer & Stephen M. Bainbridge, Agency, Partnerships, and Limited Liability Entities: Unincorporated Business Associations (Found. Press 3d ed. 2012).

Abstract: "This book is a collection of edited cases, original text, questions, and problems designed for use in a law school level course on agency, partnerships, and limited liability entities. A key feature of this casebook is the extensive coverage of limited liability entities, especially unincorporated limited liability companies (LLCs). The authors include cases on such LLC topics as formation, interpretation of the operating agreement, piercing the LLC "veil," fiduciary obligation, expulsion of an LLC member, and dissolution. Also included is a section on the question of whether membership interests in LLCs and limited partnerships are a security." --Publisher Related Teacher's Manual (3d ed. 2012).