Elizabeth Warren, Ady Barkan, Time.com (Sept. 22, 2020) (The 100 Most Influential People of 2020).
Abstract: Ady Barkan is one of "Time" magazine's 100 most influential people. An American lawyer and liberal activist, Ady is also a health care warrior. For him, getting up has become a chore harder than most could imagine. In 2016, Ady was diagnosed with ALS. Even as the disease has robbed him of movement and even the capacity to speak, he uses every last breath to stop drug and insurance companies from standing between Americans and the basic health care they need. And right now, during the COVID-19 crisis and the following economic collapse, Ady has been a powerful force for good: drawing attention to the broken health care system, supporting frontline health care workers, and pushing for relief for working people as they get sick and lose their jobs. In the fight for social justice, change never comes easy. But Ady and the movement he has behind him bring Americans closer while making health care in America a basic human right.