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The following are some questions you may wish to consider asking when networking with individuals or potential employers.

  • What are your primary job responsibilities?
  • What experience did you have to get your job?
  • How long have you worked here?
  • What is your own background and experience?
  • What is a typical work day like?
  • How long is your work day?
  • How much variety is there in your work?
  • How much training/supervision do or did you receive?
  • How much client contact do you have?
  • How much contact and what kinds of interactions do you have with individuals or groups outside the office or organization?
  • Does your job require that you travel?
  • What do you like/dislike most about your work?
  • What are the toughest problems and decisions you handle?
  • What do you wish you had known about your position/the field before you started?
  • What type of professional and personal skills does it take to succeed at this type of work?
  • What is the size and makeup of your organization?
  • What is a typical starting salary for someone with my experience?
  • What is the salary ceiling for an experienced lawyer?
  • What do you see as the major issues/ trends in the field today?
  • What books or journals would you recommend that I read?
  • Which professional associations should I join?
  • Do you recommend that I enroll in any particular classes (clinical or otherwise)?
  • What opportunities for advancement are there in this organization or in the field?
  • What would be a typical next career move for someone in your position?
  • What recommendations do you have for me regarding a job search strategy?
  • What other people do you recommend that I talk with? May I tell them that you referred me to them?