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2005 Ames Moot Court Competition

November 17, 2005

Photo of competitors at the 2005 Ames Moot Court with Justices David Souter, Emilio M. Garza, and Ilana Diamond Rovner.
Credit: Phil Farnsworth

Case: McNeil v. Lu


Hon. David Souter ’61, ’66, Associate Justice, U.S. Supreme Court
Hon. Emilio M. Garza, U.S. Court of Appeals for The Fifth Circuit
Hon. Ilana Diamond Rovner, U.S. Court of Appeals for The Seventh Circuit


The John Hart Ely Memorial Team


Bryce Callahan, Oralist
Andrew Cooper
Jordan Heller
Joshua Hurwit, Best Oralist
Nathan Kitchens
Jason Vollbracht

The William H. Rehnquist Memorial Team


Best Brief, Best Overall

Brian Fletcher
Adam D. Harber, Oralist
Nathan Holcomb
Joshua Salzman
S. Christopher Szczerban, Oralist
Ramin Tohidi

Watch the video: 2005 Ames Moot Court Competition

Final Round

McNeil v. Lu