Case: Amy Annis, et al., v. The State of Ames

Hon. Ruth Bader Ginsburg ’56-’58, Associate Justice, U.S. Supreme Court
Hon. Richard Paez, U.S. Court of Appeals for The Ninth Circuit
Hon. Reena Raggi ’76, U.S. Court of Appeals for The Second Circuit
The Atticus Finch Memorial Team
Victor Delorenzo
Ryan Hecker
Marc Krickbaum, Best Oralist
Paul Serritella
Sergiu Troie, Oralist
Lea Weems
The Archibald Cox Memorial Team
Best Brief, Best Overall
Ramzi B.M. Ajami
Jonathan Benloulou
Michael Bloch
Tom Lue, Oralist
Sujit Raman, Oralist
Jamie Simpson
Watch the video: 2004 Ames Moot Court Competition
Final Round
Amy Annis, et al., v. The State of Ames