Case: Ride-A-Long Productions, Inc. and Ames Broadcasting Co., Inc. v. Suzanne Rogers and Michelle Roger

Hon. Stephen G. Breyer ’64, Associate Justice, U.S. Supreme Court
Hon. Laurence H. Silberman ’61, U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit
Hon. Diane P. Wood, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit.
The Archibald Cox Honorary Team
Best Overall
Alvin L. Bragg, Jr.
Arlo Devlin-Brown, Best Oralist
Daniel S. Gordon
Sarah E. Harrington
Erin E. Murphy, Oralist
Adam J. Szubin
The Telford Taylor Memorial Team
Best Brief
Grant M. Dixton, Oralist
Mic Jurgens
Maya R. Kobersy, Oralist
Peter Nicolas
Stuart Svokin
Cametra A. Thompson
Watch the video: 1999 Ames Moot Court Competition (Spring)
Final Round
Ride-A-Long Productions, Inc. and Ames Broadcasting Co., Inc. v. Suzanne Rogers and Michelle Roger