Case: Kim Tan v. Susan Applegale, District Director, United States Immigration and Naturalization Service, City of Ames, Ames
Hon. Jon O. Newman, U.S. Court of Appeals for The Second Circuit
Hon. William A. Fletcher, U.S. Court of Appeals for The Ninth Circuit
Hon. Margaret Marshall, Chief Justice, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court
The A. Leon Higginbotham Memorial Team
Best Overall
Debi Cornwall
Andrew J. Ehrlich, Oralist
Kathleen R. Hartnett
Rachel M. Jones
Michael E. Liftik
William M. McSwain, Best Oralist
The Jefferson Memorial Team
Best Brief
Danny David
Rebecca J.K. Gelfond, Oralist
Preethi Krishnamurthy
Brendan S. Maher
Elizabeth I. Rogers
Peter K. Stris, Oralist
Watch the video: 1999 Ames Moot Court Competition (Fall)
Final Round
Kim Tan v. Susan Applegale, District Director, United States Immigration and Naturalization Service, City of Ames, Ames