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1992 Ames Moot Court Competition

November 1, 1992

Artur Davis of the Thurgood Marshall Legacy Team at the 1992 Ames Moot Court Finals.
Credit: Ilene Perlman

Case: Susan Linfield, et al., v Ames Public Utilities et al.


Hon. Antonin Scalia ’60, Associate Justice, U.S. Supreme Court
Hon. Pamela Ann Rymer, U.S. Court of Appeals for The Ninth Circuit
Hon. Michael Boudin ’64, U.S. Court of Appeals for The First Circuit


The Daughters of Danaus Team


Best Brief, Best Overall

Kara L. Cunningham
Lawerence M. Kraus
James J. O’Keefe
Stefanie H. Roth, Oralist
Marshall Searcy, Oralist
Susan E. Spotts

The Thurgood Marshall Legacy Team


Artur Davis, Best Oralist
Cari K. Dawson
Carolyn A. Edgar
Kim B. McCullough
Kim Robinson
Jacqueline A. White, Oralist