We were thrilled to host Virtual Spring Reunion 2021 on Saturday, May 8, for the classes of 1991, 1996, 2006, 2011, and 2016. While it wasn’t the same as celebrating in person, we at the Law School hope that if you were able to attend Virtual Spring Reunion 2021, you enjoyed the program. For those Reunion alumni who were not able to attend, participants heard from:
- Dean Manning ’85 during the Conversation with the Dean;
- I. Glenn Cohen ’03, Deputy Dean of Harvard Law School and James A. Attwood and Leslie Williams Professor of Law and Leah Plunkett ’06, Assistant Dean for Learning Experience and Technology and Meyer Research Lecturer on Law on the Law School’s remote learning initiatives and innovations.
They also enjoyed class-specific virtual social gatherings following the academic portion of the event, and had a chance to socialize and reconnect with fellow classmates. We look forward to seeing you again soon!

Red Book
We’ve created a dynamic online class report, the Virtual Red Book, that we hope will help you reconnect with your classmates during this time of social distancing. The Virtual Red Book will allow you to easily view your classmates’ profile details, read their essays and remembrances, and view the photos they’ve uploaded from their professional and personal lives.
The deadline for reviewing or updating your profile was Sunday, May 2. Submissions are now closed, but we encourage you to view your classmates’ profiles at the following links:
Virtual Red Book Pages
Viewing the Virtual Red Book requires you to claim your HarvardKey if you haven’t done so yet. HarvardKey is the University’s single, convenient log-in for access to online resources, providing simpler, more secure access to the University’s applications and services.
- If you have not set up your HarvardKey:
- Visit https://key.harvard.edu and click on the Claim Your HarvardKey link.
- Click the Alumni tab and follow the instructions
- Please note: You will need your unique 10-digit HAA ID number. You can find this number in the emails you receive regarding Reunion.
- Once you have your HarvardKey:
- Visit the Virtual Red Book site and log in using your HarvardKey user name and password.
- Review and/or update your profile, going through each screen until you receive the message, “Thank you for reviewing/updating your information!”
Questions regarding your HarvardKey?
Please contact HLS Alumni Records at alumrec@law.harvard.edu.
Questions regarding the Virtual Red Book?
Please contact Harvard Law School Alumni Relations reunions@law.harvard.edu.
Final Program
1:00PM – 2:00PM ET: Conversation with the Dean
- John F. Manning ’85, Morgan and Helen Chu Dean and Professor of Law
- Moderated by Steven Oliveira, Associate Dean
2:15PM – 3:15PM ET: Adapting to COVID: Lessons Learned in Online Teaching and Learning
- I. Glenn Cohen ’03, Deputy Dean of Harvard Law School and James A. Attwood and Leslie Williams Professor of Law
- Leah Plunkett ’06, Assistant Dean for Learning Experience and Technology and Meyer Research Lecturer on Law