The first volume of the Journal of Law and the Biosciences (JLB) was recently published by Oxford University Press. The new peer-reviewed, open access, online journal is a co venture between Duke University, Stanford University and Harvard Law School’s Petrie-Flom Center for Health Law Policy, Biotechnology and Bioethics.

JLB focuses on cutting-edge scholarship at the intersection of law and the biosciences. The journal includes articles on topics generally considered part of bioethics or neuroethics, such as the ethical, legal, and social implications of reproductive technologies, genetics, stem cell research, neuroscience, or human biological enhancement.  The journal is published as one volume with three issues per year. New articles are posted online on an ongoing basis.

Articles in the first issue include: “Towards an ethics safe harbor for global biomedical research,” by Edward S. Dove, Bartha M. Knoppers, and Ma’n H. Zawati; “Public preferences and the challenge to genetic research policy,” by Rebecca Dresser; and “The regulation of cognitive enhancement devices: extending the medical model,” by Hannah Maslen, Thomas Douglas, Roi Cohen Kadosh, Neil Levy, and Julian Savulescu. JLB is also a home for work that speaks directly to legal issues where the biosciences are involved, such as food and drug regulation, biosciences patent law, scientific evidence, and criminal responsibility.

JLB’s founding co-editors in chief are I. Glenn Cohen from Harvard Law School, Nita Farahany from Duke, and Hank Greely from Stanford. In an interview with Oxford University Press’ Blog (OUP Blog), Cohen said, “This is an incredibly exciting time to be working in these areas and in particular the legal aspects related to these areas. We are seeing major developments in genomics, in neuroscience, in patent law, and in health care.” JLB’s editorial board is composed of nearly thirty leading scholars working in law, bioethics, philosophy, neuroscience, psychology, and other disciplines.

For more information about the journal, including article submission guidelines and how to register for free content-alerting services, please visit the Oxford Journals website.