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  • EIP Roadmap

    February 3, 2022

    While your primary focus should be on your academics and 1L summer job search, some of you may be beginning to think about planning for EIP. The EIP Roadmap ( will give you a sense of what’s to come, what you can do now and in the coming months, and serve as your framework for thinking about EIP planning and preparation.

  • Strategic Networking for EIP

    February 3, 2022

    Students often question the value of networking and attending employer events, but informational interviews and employer events are actually great ways to make meaningful and strategic connections with EIP firms that are of interest to you.

  • Register for EIP Orientation: Essentials You Need to Know

    February 1, 2022

    Are you considering participating in the Early Interview Program (EIP) this summer? The first step is to attend our kickoff event, EIP Orientation: Essentials You Need to Know on Wednesday, February 16 at 7 pm ET. This program is essential if you plan to participate in EIP so you can know what is ahead and how to prepare.

  • EIP Dates, EIP Preview, and Summer Planning

    January 27, 2022

    As you think about your plans for this summer, we want to make sure you are aware of the timeline for 2L summer recruiting. EIP will take place remotely August 1-5, 2022.

  • EIP 2022 Dates Announced

    January 4, 2022

    As you continue your 1L summer job search and begin mapping out your career goals, we encourage you to consider the Early Interview Program (EIP). As noted in our message to all 1Ls yesterday 2022 EIP will take place from August 1 to August 5 and will be conducted virtually.

  • Using CSM – The OCS Career Database

    September 30, 2021

    CSM is OCS’ online recruiting tool. In CSM, you can view and RSVP for OCS events and employer chats or receptions, search for and find job postings, and find many additional resources for your job search.

  • Reminder: Close the Loop With EIP Employers

    September 13, 2021

    We would like to remind you that if you participated in EIP and were fortunate enough to receive multiple offers, make sure you have tied up all loose ends. If a firm asked you to let them know where you decided to go and you haven’t already done so, send a quick email to again thank the firm for the opportunity to interview and let them know where you will be going next summer.

  • No offers from EIP?

    September 8, 2021

    If you have not yet secured an offer from EIP, we encourage you to reach out to OCS. Perhaps you will receive an offer soon from a firm with which you did callback interviews, but the process moves quickly, so now is the time to take action on a backup plan just in case. Either schedule an appointment with an OCS adviser or take advantage of our walk-in hours.

  • Reminder: Close the Loop With EIP Employers

    September 2, 2021

    If you participated in EIP and were fortunate enough to receive multiple offers, take stock of whether you have tied up all loose ends from the process.