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  • EIP Mock Interviews

    March 24, 2022

    Interviewing is a key component of EIP, but doing it well requires preparation and practice. Before you leave Cambridge for your summer job, before you get too busy studying for final exams, participate in the EIP Mock Interview Program.

  • EIP Roadmap Leg 3- Research

    March 22, 2022

    The EIP Roadmap is your one-stop page for all things EIP. If you haven’t already, review Leg 1 on logistics and planning, and be sure to register for EIP. You can also wrap up Leg 2 by getting your application materials in order before exam preparation gets into full swing.

  • Researching Firms

    March 22, 2022

    Are you participating in EIP, and are you also overwhelmed by the hundreds of firms, multiple geographic markets, and various practice areas? Are you unsure how you should be researching firms for your bid list?

  • EIP Employer List – New Information Added

    March 17, 2022

    Last week we released the 2022 EIP Employer List in Leg 3 of the EIP Roadmap. The spreadsheet not only lists which firms have registered for EIP so far, but which offices are participating, whether or not they are participating in Preview, information on summer class sizes and information on your likelihood of getting assigned an EIP interview with an employer through the EIP lottery if you bid on that employer.

  • Be Sure to Register for EIP

    March 10, 2022

    Remember, if you think that you will be participating in EIP this summer, please complete EIP Registration in CSM. If you are unsure, review How Does Law Firm Hiring & EIP Work and How EIP Fits Into Your Career Goals or make an appointment to meet with an OCS adviser.

  • EIP Resume Review Happening Now

    March 8, 2022

    The EIP Resume Review Program is now open. If you are participating in EIP and would like to have your resume reviewed by OCS, the time is now. Get one step of the process out of the way before you leave for the summer. Add this summer’s job and simply leave space for the job description which you will fill in this summer. This program is for EIP resumes only (not clerkship resumes). Follow the directions detailed in the link above to participate.

  • How to EIP Week

    March 8, 2022

    Are you considering participating in the Early Interview Program (EIP) this summer?  Don’t miss the remainder of How to EIP Week! This week-long series of 30-minute lunch programs is providing specialized EIP advice on a range of topics.

  • Vault/Firsthand’s Practice Area Pages

    March 8, 2022

    One of the things students find the most challenging is determining which practice areas they would like to explore. While employers won’t expect you to have your mind made up about which practice area you want to pursue by this summer, they will expect you to be able to discuss your interests and demonstrate you’ve been thinking about what you’d like to do at a firm.

  • Why Attend EIP Employer Chats?

    March 3, 2022

    Your time is limited, so you may be wondering why you should spend time attending employer chats. While you can’t (and don’t need to) attend them all, attending some employer chats is a great way to learn more about EIP employers.

  • EIP Resume Review

    March 1, 2022

    It is early, but EIP Preview bidding is only 3 months away. Now is a great time to focus on Leg 2 of the EIP Roadmap: getting your materials ready. You may now submit your resume to OCS for EIP Resume Review. Add this summer’s employer if you know where you will be working, and simply leave space for the job description which you will fill in this summer.

  • EIP Roadmap- Leg 2

    March 1, 2022

    If you are considering participation in EIP, review The EIP Roadmap for a sense of what’s to come, what you can do now and in the coming months, and a framework for thinking about EIP planning and preparation.

  • Save the Dates for How to EIP Week

    February 24, 2022

    Are you considering participating in the Early Interview Program (EIP) this summer? Save the dates for How to EIP Week, March 7-10. This week-long series of 30-minute lunch-hour programs will give specialized EIP advice on a range of topics.

  • Stay On-Track This Spring

    February 22, 2022

    Managing your 1L job search while also and planning for 2L summer recruitment is a lot to manage in addition to your schoolwork. To help keep you on-track and organized, use the 1L Spring Forward Checklist (

  • EIP FAQs and EIP Orientation Video

    February 22, 2022

    EIP is a fast-moving process with a lot of moving parts, but you hold the keys to your success. Review our EIP FAQ page for answers to many common questions about EIP to gain a better understanding of what’s to come. If you were unable to attend EIP Orientation last week, you can now view a recording of the program and the slides.

  • EIP Registration is Now Open

    February 17, 2022

    If you think that you will be participating in EIP this summer, please complete EIP Registration in CSM so we can best prepare you for this program and also plan for appropriate resources and advising time. If you are unsure, review How Does Law Firm Hiring & EIP Work and How EIP Fits Into Your Career Goals or make an appointment to meet with an OCS adviser.

  • Big Law Practice Self-Directed Learning

    February 17, 2022

    Wondering how to learn what Big Law practice is all about as you consider participation in EIP? We’ve partnered with Hotshot (a digital learning provider for the legal industry) to create 3 self-directed learning tracks to give you a taste of Big Law practice: Intro to Big Law, Intro to Legal Practice: Litigation, and Intro to Legal Practice: Corporate.

  • Big Law Practice Self-Directed Learning

    February 17, 2022

    Want to know more about what Big Law practice is all about as you head into the summer? We’ve partnered with Hotshot (a digital learning provider for the legal industry) to create 3 self-directed learning tracks to give you a taste of Big Law practice: Intro to Big Law, Intro to Legal Practice: Litigation, and Intro to Legal Practice: Corporate.

  • OCS Appointments for EIP Planning

    February 17, 2022

    Your primary focus now should still be on your academics and 1L summer job search. However, some of you may be beginning to think about planning for EIP.

  • EIP Orientation is Tomorrow @ 7pm

    February 15, 2022

    Are you considering participating in the Early Interview Program (EIP) this summer? The first step is to attend our kickoff event, EIP Orientation: Essentials You Need to Know on Wednesday, February 16 at 7pm.

  • EIP Dates & Deadlines

    February 10, 2022

    As you begin planning for your 1L summer, be sure to review the EIP Dates & Deadlines in Leg 1 of the EIP Roadmap ( Notably, be sure to register for next week’s EIP Orientation: Essentials You Need to Know and remember that your summer job should end by July 29 if you plan to participate in EIP.

  • Understanding EIP Preview and EIP

    February 8, 2022

    Last week, we told you about the EIP Roadmap (, your one-stop page for all things EIP. As a first step in thinking about EIP, start by making sure you understand How EIP Fits in Your Career Goals, How Law Firm Hiring Works, and register for EIP Orientation: Essentials You Need to Know, our EIP kickoff.