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  • Check Your Preview Resume

    June 8, 2022

    Before submitting your resume to firms through EIP Preview, make sure it is in the updated and in the proper format. Even if you had a professional resume before law school, for Preview and EIP, law firm employers expect resumes to look a certain way.

  • Your Grades and EIP

    June 8, 2022

    Wondering how your grades will affect your chances at Preview and EIP? Your grades are important, but they will only be one component of a firm’s overall hiring decision. HLS students have remarkable success through EIP, irrespective of grades.

  • EIP With Public Interest Aspirations

    June 8, 2022

    Some of you noted in your EIP Registration that you hope to find a firm where you can do public interest work or, more commonly,…

  • “Who Works Where” Lists Now Available

    June 7, 2022

    The summer 2022 “Who Works Where” lists are now available. These lists detail where many of your peers are working this summer.

  • Extended Drop-In Hours for Preview

    June 7, 2022

    In addition to our usual drop-in hours each weekday from 12:30-1:30 ET, we are offering extended drop-in hours from 3:30-4:30 ET and 6-7:30 p.m. ET. Drop-ins are for quick questions and we can also provide feedback on your planned Preview firms.

  • Bid List Review Opens Tomorrow

    June 7, 2022

    To ensure that you are bidding strategically for Preview and EIP, we encourage you to participate in the OCS Bid List Review Program beginning tomorrow.

  • Your Narrative and Preparing For Interviews

    June 7, 2022

    You may have interviews through Preview in as soon as a couple of weeks. Make sure you are well prepared by…

  • Getting Started with Preview

    June 2, 2022

    If you haven’t started planning for Preview, the time is now. Bidding is open now and closes June 16 at noon.

  • Key EIP Resource: Market Intelligence

    June 2, 2022

    As you choose firms for Preview and EIP, it’s important to have an understanding of the legal market(s) where you are considering bidding.

  • Key Resources for Researching Diversity, Pro Bono, and Other Factors

    June 2, 2022

    In deciding which firms to put on your bid lists, you may be interested in more than market and practice area in narrowing down your list. You may want to consider a firm’s commitment to diversity in hiring and retention, part- and flex-time policies, parental leave policies, visa policies, climate accountability, or the firm’s commitment to pro bono.

  • Firm Prospects Research Tool

    May 31, 2022

    While conducting your firm research, don’t miss Firm Prospects (, through which you can research EIP firms by individual office and also see a global overview.

  • Choosing Firms for Preview vs. EIP

    May 31, 2022

    Wondering how to decide which firms you will bid for Preview vs. EIP? Rather than trying to just find 5 firms for Preview, start by deciding which firms you would like to try to meet with this summer, whether it be through Preview or EIP.

  • Your Preview Resume

    May 26, 2022

    If you haven’t already, update your resume to include this summer’s job so it is ready to go for EIP Preview bidding beginning next week. You may be wondering how to handle this summer’s job description on the resume you will submit for Preview given it is still early in the summer.

  • Preview From the Employer’s Perspective

    May 26, 2022

    Preview is new this year and you may be wondering how employers are thinking about Preview and how you can stand out in a positive way. In our podcast Ensuring EIP Success in a New Recruitment Landscape, you will hear from two seasoned Big Law heads of recruiting about how they are thinking about Preview and get their advice on how to succeed this recruiting season.

  • Make Sure You Are Preview-Ready

    May 26, 2022

    The Preview bid deadline (June 16 at noon) is just 3 weeks away. Make sure you are Preview-ready by scheduling an EIP Planning appointment if you haven’t already. OCS advisers can help you with your Preview strategy and selecting firms for Preview and EIP.

  • Preview From the Employer’s Perspective

    May 26, 2022

    Preview is new this year and you may be wondering how employers are thinking about Preview and how you can stand out in a positive way. In our podcast Ensuring EIP Success in a New Recruitment Landscape, you will hear from two seasoned Big Law heads of recruiting about how they are thinking about Preview and get their advice on how to succeed this recruiting season.

  • Summer Interviews

    May 24, 2022

    If you participate in EIP Preview, you may be conducting law firm interviews prior to EIP this summer. Be sure you are thinking ahead by purchasing or choosing your interview attire, polishing your online presence, and reviewing Leg 4 of the EIP Roadmap for additional interview advice.

  • EIP, Preview, and Smaller Markets

    May 24, 2022

    If your 2L summer job search will be focused on a smaller or secondary market you may be wondering how to think about Preview and EIP. While many firms from smaller markets do participate (check the 2022 Employer List in Leg 3 of the EIP Roadmap), many firms from smaller markets do not participate in EIP.

  • EIP Preview Bidding Strategy

    May 19, 2022

    Now is the time to review Leg 5 of the EIP Roadmap and to make decisions on your EIP Preview firms. Your individual strategy will depend on a number of factors including your grades and personal profile, geographic market, goals for Preview, and overall risk tolerance. Be sure you understand how Preview bidding works and its impact on EIP (pdf).

  • EIP Preview- Choosing Firms

    May 17, 2022

    With the Preview bid deadline less than a month away on June 16, now is the time to decide if you will participate in the new EIP Preview, and if so, which firms you will include. Start with our podcast on Logistics and Choosing Firms for EIP Preview in Leg 5 of the EIP Roadmap. Then, identify your Preview strategy, making sure you understand how to assess firm selectivity. If you have not already had an EIP Planning Appointment, now is a good time to meet with an adviser to discuss your individual strategy.

  • Researching Firms for Your Bid Lists

    May 17, 2022

    While it is great to have so many employers available to meet through EIP, it can also be overwhelming as you determine which firms to add to your bid lists. Check out our Researching Firms for EIP video, created by a former OCS peer adviser. In the video, Haley walks you through our most popular employer research resources and discusses how best to utilize them.