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  • The 2 Keys to EIP Success

    July 12, 2022

    There are two things that have the biggest impact on EIP success: a well-balanced bid list and a strong interview.

  • What to Expect at EIP

    July 12, 2022

    As you finish up your bid list, you are likely looking ahead to EIP and may be unsure what to expect.

  • EIP Application Materials

    July 12, 2022

    You need only a resume to bid on employers for EIP. You will upload your transcript to Flo Recruit just before EIP, and interviewers will not see your grades until your interview.

  • Economic Outlook and Important Advice for EIP

    July 12, 2022

    Get up to speed on what’s going on in the legal market by joining Mark Weber, Assistant Dean for Career Services, for a discussion on the current legal economy and what you can expect during this recruitment season.

  • Preview Firms You Have Not Heard From

    July 7, 2022

    Employers participating in Preview were asked to extend interview invitations to candidates they wanted to interview no later than tomorrow, July 8.

  • Strategic Bidding: How Many is TOO Many? Too Few?

    July 7, 2022

    As you consider firms for your EIP bid list, the question on many students’ minds is often: how many firms should I ultimately bid on?

  • EIP Bidding – Heed the Notes Provided by Employers

    July 7, 2022

    Employers participating in EIP often provide notes to consider when bidding that may impact your decision to interview with that firm. The notes may indicate a hard (e.g. “Undergraduate degree in Computer Science or Engineering required for IP practice”) or soft (e.g. “This interview schedule is for candidates interested in the firm’s health law practice”) requirement.

  • Finalizing Your Bid List

    July 7, 2022

    Leg 6 of the EIP Roadmap outlines the considerations and resources for finalizing your EIP bid list.

  • Note About the EIP Lottery

    July 7, 2022

    You have until Friday, July 15 at 12pm ET to finalize your bids in CSM. Do not overthink your bid ranking. You will get interviews for around 70% of your bids.

  • Preview Offers- Timing and Extensions

    July 5, 2022

    If you are in the fortunate position of having received an offer (or offers) through Preview, be sure to familiarize yourself with our policies on holding and responding to offers.

  • Transfer Student To-Do List

    July 5, 2022

    We realize this is a hectic time for you, but want to remind to start with our Shortcut to EIP for Transfer Students. We have streamlined the process for you into a few simple steps.

  • EIP Podcast Series: Transfer Student Podcast

    July 5, 2022

    Get up to speed on the Early Interview Program at HLS with this podcast exclusively for transfer students, which will help you navigate the logistics of EIP and get you prepped for a great EIP week.

  • EIP Podcasts and Videos

    July 5, 2022

    Be sure to check out our EIP Podcasts and Videos for advice and guidance on key EIP topics.

  • EIP Bid List Review- Spots Filling Fast

    July 5, 2022

    The EIP Week bid deadline is next week, and appointments for bid list review are filling fast. Your bidding strategy, along with your interviews, has the biggest impact on your ultimate EIP outcome, so we encourage you to take advantage of the opportunity to discuss your bid list with an adviser.

  • Assessing Firm Selectivity

    July 5, 2022

    Understanding firm selectivity is essential to crafting your EIP bidding strategy. Our podcast on Assessing Firm Selectivity will help you assess which firms on your list of firms are considered highly selective, as opposed to target firms, so that you can ensure your bid list is appropriately balanced.

  • Psychometric Assessments

    July 5, 2022

    More employers, including law firms, are using psychometric assessments as part of their hiring process. Psychometric assessments use a series of questions, games and scenarios to gather insight on your cognition, personality, and behavioral tendencies.

  • Scheduling Preview Interviews

    July 5, 2022

    Scheduling Preview interviews can be tricky given students are working at their 1L summer jobs and firms are running summer programs. Remember, if a firm only offers times during the workday, you may request additional times if you are unable to make the times offered fit with your work schedule.

  • Turn Your Attention to EIP Week

    June 30, 2022

    You may be anxiously awaiting word from Preview firms. There is not much you can do to speed up that process, so take charge of what you can control- your EIP bid list.

  • Get Your EIP Attire Ready

    June 30, 2022

    If you haven't already, now is the time to get your EIP interview wardrobe in shape. You can take advantage of holiday sales and also give yourself time to allow for any necessary alterations.

  • EIP Employers Interviewing 3Ls

    June 30, 2022

    If you are considering participation in EIP, review the list of employers who will be interviewing 3Ls at EIP (filter for firms interviewing 3Ls in column J).

  • EIP Bid List Review Happening Now

    June 28, 2022

    The EIP bid deadline is just over 2 weeks away, and the Bid List Review Program is happening now. Appointments are limited, so we encourage you to schedule your bid list review now. Your bid list and bidding strategy can have a significant impact on your EIP results, so don’t miss out on having your list reviewed before submitting your bids.