Fall 2022 • Course
Contracts 7
Exam Type: In Class
Contract law is the study of legally enforceable promises, normally exchanged as part of a bargain. Contracts are the main means by which transactions are made and legal obligations are voluntarily incurred. Among the topics that may be covered are: when a contractual promise exists and which are too indefinite; whether consideration should be required and what that means; whether there was offer and acceptance forming a contract; whether and when contracts should be voided because of duress, nondisclosure, a failure to read, unconscionability, or immorality; how to interpret contracts; implied and explicit contractual conditions; the material breach and perfect tender rules; whether performance is excused by mistake of fact, impossibility, impracticability, or frustration of contractual purpose; what remedies to reward and how to measure them; and whether and when damages should be limited because of failure to mitigate, unforeseeability, or use of penalty clauses. Materials to be announced.